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should I be suspiocus of the link contained in this answer: superuser.com/questions/1352512/…
2 hours later…
link is clean, but answer deleted anyway. that's not the way to advertise software.
2 hours later…
off topic programming + software recommendation
@karel Sorted. Thanks.
1 hour later…
Can someone put the final nail in the coffin on this garbage: https://superuser.com/questions/1352517/what-does-alpha-and-beta-mean-can-a-piece-of-software-be-both
This was clearly not asked in good faith.
4 hours later…
@n8te No. The OP is a troll and requires careful handling. Mods are aware of it ...
2 hours later…
Why was my edit to this question [0] rejected?

[0]: https://superuser.com/questions/623881/what-means-and-at-second-field-of-etc-shadow
@blong - 2 users didn't believe your edit made a significant improvement to the quality of the contribution.
@blong -One of those users have reviewed thousands of edit proposals.
You didn't link to the actual edit review, so I can't give you my feedback, other than @Run5k normally makes the correct choice
Doesn't adding the linux tag constitute making the post "easier to find" (quoting the edit guidance) ?
If you only added a tag to the question, that would be the reason, it was rejected
I see, ok
I find it hard the question had no other issues. Additioanlly due to its age, adding a tag, won't really make it easier to find.
I see at least 5 different grammatical mistakes in that question. If you had addressed those issues and added the tag, that edit proposal would have been improved more than likely.
You should continue to contribute to improving questions and answers, doing so will give you the privilege, of making edits without the need for approval.
Additionally, the Linux tag is left for more generic issues, the author, in this case, was using Ubuntu 12.04 so the Ubuntu 12.04 tag should have been suggested not the Linux tag.
@blong, Ramhound already summarized my thought process very accurately. We certainly appreciate your time and effort devoted towards suggested edits, but this particular suggestion wasn't beneficial based upon the reasons that Ramhound described.

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