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room topic changed to Flurry: Discussion about golfing in Flurry, a functional language with Brain-Flak-like syntax (no tags)
I wrote a factorial program: {}{<{}(<><<>()>{})>}[(<>())()]
unfortunately, I can't submit it to the factorial challenge because it's really slow for inputs >9
Actually, come to think of it, that would be a valid submission if it were made into a function
> Completes in under a minute for numbers up to 125
since it technically "calculates" the Church numeral near-instantly depending on how you interpret the rules
it's just that the resulting numeral could never be used practically
Yeah, kind of.
I think the function version would be just that, wrapped in {...}?
a pretty big fraction of the answers on that challenge don't even meet that requirement
i can't read assembly, but i'm pretty sure that's not a bignum implementation
Agreed, especially given that there's only one loop
As it is one of the canonical challenges, it would be actually good to remove those restrictions of the old days.

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