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2:53 PM
Q: How does this HF 'coupler' work?

Neil_UKI came across this coupler design in this link in another question. It's designed to be used to couple a small monitoring amount of signal off a 1 kW HF (3 MHz to 30 MHz) signal on a through line. Mounted in a box And just the bit of coax which is a bit clearer than the boxed one above. I think...

7 hours later…
9:49 PM
Q: How will the Proxima I and II satellites use or test LoRa in space?

uhohIoT Aukland Tweet references FleetSpace and launch of the Proxima I and II satellites. This put's the "W" in LoRaWan in a different perspective. How will these test LoRa in space? Is there any chance of linking to Earth (with a non-traditionally large antenna at least)?

asked in IOT SE and has a +100 bounty

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