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Since there really wasn't any appropriate tag for this question, I added a new beginner tag. Also added it to a few other questions to prevent the bots from removing it. Also added a tag synonym newbie.
Edits and suggestions welcome.
Anyone with a rep of at least 150 can create a new tag.
And anyone with a rep of 15 or more can flag questions and answers.
Not enough folks flag low-quality questions or answers. If you are afraid of losing rep points by downvoting, then at least flag it! That would be a big help to the entire community here.
@MikeWaters I don't think that tag is a good idea. meta.stackexchange.com/questions/59077/…
@KevinReidAG6YO I see what you mean. However, in many of the questions, they seemed to me to be announcing they were a beginner.
What should we call it, if anything? All I can think of is entry-level.
But I did remove it from the question I linked to.
I mean the tag shouldn't exist; it's not a very useful classification. Something being a "beginner question" depends on where you're beginning from.
It's not objective enough to have a clearly defined scope so that people can understand which questions it belongs on.
(and therefore whether they should read or ignore those questions, if they're reading rather than writing)
Fair enough. But before we delete it, lets wait for some input by others.
I would have recommended creating a meta question to gather arguments & votes for/against before adding the tag. It's not too late now.
Excellent idea!!

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