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Happy to see that SE is moving away from imgur.com (since it's blocked at my office). I've noticed that some images are starting to appear from sstatic.com, but not all. Anyone know why it's just some? I've seen it on new posts where I cannot see the images and a hover shows an imgur link.
Here's a question posted "49 minutes ago" that has links to imgur... :shrug:
Its regular imgur
not the stack exchange 'instance' of it
the migration to the local hosting was recent and very quiet for some odd reason. No idea what the order of migration was
@JourneymanGeek Ahhh... didn't notice the difference.
Yeah, I'd noticed some images starting to come through and the different hosting. I did find the meta post about it.
the 'stack exchange' imgur was i.stack.imgur
OP's apparently using the imgur album functionality to dump a bunch of pictures at once
Yeah. I used to embed those before they blocked 'em here.
Thanks for noticing that detail, I was confused...
no worries, I spent faaaar too much time moving images on pets from imgur imgur to stack imgur once :D

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