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10:26 AM
lmao fuc*k this article.
Being slacker in modern world brings nothing.
May be if you want to be something like a beggar or scammer which I highly recommendnt.
I recommend use maximum effort.
Also be efficient :)
well i shouldn't said that
i should say Nullius in verba lol
sometimes i want to keep my stupid mouth shut
8 hours later…
6:24 PM
so hungry now
what to eat?
to be efficient in intellectual work has to be efficiently served materially
you want to go to a restaurant which serves food fast with a big amount so that you can go back to work fast without getting hungry soon.
now I think the dormitory administration is corruptive
they overcharges me the rent but use various excuse to rationalize.
I only dwelt in the dorm for 11 days by moving in on Oct. 20 but they charge me the full month rent.
they said they have made a reservation in the university website from October 1st, so my rent should be counted from that date.
but they didn't confirm with me that they make the reservation starting from October 1st.
They originally said one need to transfer money the first month plus 1 month deposit to the administration 3 days before check-in, but I didn't book the check-in date nor did I transfer the money to them.
I didn't move in the dorm until October 20, but they insists my rent is counted from October 1st.
they are corruptive enough.
they utilize this chance to make unfair profit from us.
I think their rule is if I didn't move in the dorm eventually but find a p;ace elsewhere to live, I wouldn't need to pay any rent at all.
what an absurd rule.
if you booked the room and moved in later in the month, you need to pay the rent for the whole month, but if you didn't move in at all, you didn't need to pay the rent at all.
this is like when I was a teaching assistant, the lecturer asked me to record all those late students and leave the others alone.
what a ghostly rule!Then if you just don't go to the class, you are exempted form being punished, but if you are late, you will be punished!

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