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3:24 AM
posted on July 25, 2022 by ardunn

Problem Including a search field in mpr.summary.search as a kwarg but not in fields returns SummaryDoc objects with default (often incorrect, non-None) values of that attribute. This leads to weird scenarios like searching for non-theoretical materials, and getting back the correct subset, but all of their theoretical attributes are True. Example If I run the following code:

17 hours later…
8:26 PM
posted on July 25, 2022 by peterschindler

Hello MatSci community, I have recently switched over to using the new API and I was wondering what the recommended way is to search through a second endpoint once you have narrowed down a search based on a primary endpoint (like the summary endpoint)? For example, I needed the tags field from the provenance endpoint based on mpids I downselected by searching the primary summary


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