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9:03 AM
You are reading an excerpt of Time Travel, a radio play by Sandra Saunders.
Sean. I happen to be in an auditorium as well when I travelled to 2031. However, the people in the auditorium are very rude to me! They yelled at me and tried to chase me away!
Person 1. How could that possibly happen?
Sean. I totally don't know. People in 2031 should be totally educated and civilized.
Person 2. Can you at least remember the reason they chased you away?
Sean. Well, they claimed that I didn't recieve an invitation, and thus isn't legible to enter the meeting.
(sound of door creaking open)
Sean (from 2030). Hello guys! I am called Sean and I came from 2030! And -
(sound of crowd discussion and yelling)
Person 1. Get out of here! You don't have an invitation!
Person 2. Throw him overripe tomatoes!
Sean (from 2030). Okay, sorry, I guess I had to leave.
Sean. Thank you Sean, you came in just in time.
(sound of door slamming closed)

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