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Q: What caused the failure of Plan 9?
A: It was attributed to several reasons, most notably the "don't fix it" problem.
Plan 9 was intended as an improved version UNIX.
Nobody has complained anything about how some things aren't files in UNIX, but they changed this thing in Plan 9.
So, it "ain't wrong", but they "fixed it".
They fixed it. THEY FIXED IT!!!
And then, they ended up with a system that is nearly impossible to use.
> If it ain't wrong, don't fix it.
-- old UNIX adage
Help all I dream about are links, arities and chains
@Lyxal I'm so jealous of you... I really wanted to go to the Golden Gate bridge
Nothing satisfies me more by dreaming about it every night.
Whoops. I was supposed to help you!
I could also take you to the London Bridge if you wish.
Anyway, I can never understand why you even asked for help.
@2x-1 but it's made of Jelly
@Lyxal Oh, you visited a model of the Golden Gate Bridge made of Jelly.
It does sound delicious and I'm still very jealous of you.
Jelly is short for jealousy, right?
It can be
It is jealousy. But golfier
When you see a Jelly answer... All that jealousy... Right?
Booring. Nothing ever happens.
HELP, sometimes I like ^to go to the Fashion and have some Function
And it is fun, help!
Okay step one, breathe
Step two, stop using the current programming language you're using and switch to a new one
Step three, repeat step one
I'm out of my breath already because it's so fun!
What is step four
@Lyxal Is step four killing the fun!
I think step four is 'LYXAL ARE YOU MAD'.
Let us update it to the official list of steps to take When you ARE too engaged in a fun activity
If you ARE too engagd you must be mad
If it's okay with everyone here, I'd like to start selling stocks in here
The process is simple. I'll have a list of stuff you can buy, you tell me what you want and I'll give it to you digitally
And the very first thing for sale is the letter h
I'm selling this h for §65
§ is the currency of the TTS market
I'll also buy stuff you want to sell, given its a reasonable price
Breaking news: there's another thing for sale!
Second item: the ¦ character
It costs §28
Significantly cheaper than the letter h and profitable is sold at the right moment
More things will come on the market soon
And please note that response to market requests may not be answered straight away.
Also, if you want to sell/buy things from other merchants, feel free to do so
The TTS market it an open market, available to everyone
One last thing: the market is open 24/7 and never closes. That, and items sold can be as silly as you like
Enjoy the TTS market
Question: How is § pronounced
It's for sale for § 12
9 hours later…
§ is pronounced as "currencies"
§12 is 12 currencies

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