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hey there @ThomasWard
Good Chaos and Darkness to you.
@ThomasWard haha, how're things going?
anyone got an IV drip of 99% pure caffeine?
(does that answer the question?)
heheh. while I don't need caffeination to function
I am stumped as to how to get logrotate to append to the rotated-to file instead of scribbling over it (or refusing to scribble over it) when invoking logrotate multiple times in the same day for a daily rotation schedule (because I'm trying to work around a brain-damaged program, namely NWN, that truncates its log on startup)
superuser.com/questions/648754/… << I read this, but it doesn't seem to apply to my case in any simple way due to the daily rotation requirement
@Shalvenay Do you know if there is a NWN "master server" program that can run on Windows? Or do we just have to keep waiting for the login attempt to fail when it can't find the no-longer-existing server?
@Adeptus oh. I reconfigured my hosts file to deal with that
SkywingL and Visavent run substitute servers for the AWOL gamespy stuff
@Shalvenay I did too, but it still tries (& fails) to connect
@Adeptus aah
add a " peerchat.gamespy.com" line to your hosts file
that causes the connection to the ex-gamespy-chat-server to fail instantly
also it would be nice to have "server" characters rather than "local" characters
server vault works depending on what server you're on
(playing the standard campaign on LAN with my daughter)
@Adeptus ah. I never did much of the campaign
I have the dedicated server exe, but it doesn't seem to save chars... maybe I'm not configuring it properly
@Adeptus I'm not able to help you with that one, unfortunately -- did you try the hostfiles line I gave you at least?
I'm at work right now, but I'll try it later
@Adeptus If you weren't already planning to, I highly recommend continuing through Hordes of the Underdark - it's one of the best RPG campaigns I've ever seen.
@Miniman will do... I think I started it years ago, but never finished (might have been a hard drive crash?)
@Adeptus Also, it will take some searching for all of the requisite files, but the best RPG campaign I've ever played was the Aielund Saga, which as 4 acts (but the 4th is split into three smaller chunks so really 6 acts of uneven size.) neverwintervault.org/project/nwn1/module/…
That's the first pack for it but you'll need some supplementary files. Absolutely incredible.
@Adeptus I think you just need to explicitly select "Export" characters all the time, right?
I just added my custom ammunition page for Dungeon World Bows/Slings to the resources I've made public. It is most easily accessible via the link that should still be starred in the chat.
Aww, it just aged out.
Free DW stuff link: docs.google.com/document/d/…
hey there @RollingFeles and @BlackVegetable
@Shalvenay Hello!
@BlackVegetable link me the original listing you had, with the coupla stars on it?
This is it.
It has internal links to the others.
how're things going? also hey there @nitsua60
(The "Free DW stuff link" that is)
No, but I mean can you provide the chat-link to the first message you left about it? I'll star that one, which'll get it back onto the star board.)
@Shalvenay hiya
@nitsua60 how're things going?
Eh, I had been interviewing for a job for 10 weeks which culminated in a flight to New York City (from Utah) and found out this morning that I was rejected.
Oh, ok.
I'll... try to find it
@BlackVegetable yeah -- that kinda stinks
Feb 11 at 16:46, by BlackVegetable
Just opened up my magical weapons list for Dungeon World to the general public: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kP_evn_HbROSY5NhE036chDXIBv_jD35s_uxE_7DSvI/‌​edit?usp=sharing
@BlackVegetable If you click on "show all 6643" above the star board, you'll be able to filter on "messages posted by me" in the resulting window. That should get you there pretty quickly.
There--I starred the old one, so it, with 5 stars, will likely persist a bit.
Yanno, until @trogdor starts to BURN the star board =D
Neat. I'd rather not clutter up the chat with this if I could find a better way to advertise it.
@nitsua60 lol, why would I do that?
Because... you have to BURNINATE THE COUNTRYSIDE!
Suddenly, we got starred message about Russian. I'm intrigued.
and all the peasants?
@Shalvenay hello!
@Shalvenay I'm a pretty smart guy, I've always been pretty sure. That is, until I sit here the last hour trying to sort through a week's receipts, wads of cash in different currencies, and whose money is mine vs. the school's.
@trogdor I presume not to know the mind of the trog.
@RollingFeles how're things going?
@nitsua60 ah, accounting...:p
@nitsua60 [rolls for Sanity, botches]
@nitsua60 yes, you do :P
@nitsua60 ah, I still haven't figured out how much my buddies owe me for new year party D:
Hello everyone! There is too much to ping you, but I glad to see you all!
we are glad to see you as well
@Shalvenay spent Valentine's Day evening in cinema watching John Wick 2 with my SO.
@BESW speaking of sanity botches, I've been listening to a bit of news these last few days, looking to catch up on what I'd missed. So now my request to US politicians, newscasters, and other talking heads: please stop using the phrase "all corners of the globe."
I must have heard that a half-dozen times in the last two days.
(Except in D&D)
@nitsua60 message of the day :D
@RollingFeles =)
what if I burn edges into it?
@trogdor We'll just call them 'gridlines'.
I do like squares, maybe I will just BURNINATE the earth into the shape of a square one day
food for thought
obviously not today though, maybe tomorrow
It happened.
@RollingFeles Weird, that's half of what my best friend said he was planning to do this evening. (Obviously with his own SO, not yours.)
Today a kid sent me a funny math meme/rant about how math seems all easy until it's the test and you're driving 20mph down the highway and toss a piece of pizza out the window how many cupcakes can you buy for a human soul?
To which I responded "lolfigsl."
He did not respond.
But I know he doesn't know what that means.
math is a wonderful but also horrible thing
He doesn't know. I know he doesn't know. But I don't know whether he knows that I know he doesn't know.
(How's that for a sanity roll?)
how do you know for sure this person knows not what it means?
BlackVegetable rolls for sanity: 4 and 6 make 10, -1 for WIS modifier = 9. "Well, you stay sane for the most part, but you also cannot think of anything but cat GIFs for the next few hours. What do you do?"
@trogdor s/math/troggy
Because the student is not a chatizen, and google does not know. How else could one know?
what is the s?
a vim command
@nitsua60 fair enough
yeah, I forgot the correct term
this is why math is horrible
I always just read it as [s]earch.
Pshh, I just guessed. It could be "strawberry" a vim command that replaces regex A with B.
Since you can s/foo to find 'foo' without any replacement.
if they could like, stick to the dang numbers instead of inviting random words in I would like it a lot more
Search would make sense but you don't need the s for search.
You just need /foo
weird--I always just s/foo'ed. Never knew!
@BlackVegetable -- it actually dates back to ed and sed
That makes more sense.
Strawberry ed was WAAAY better than regular ed
@Miniman huzzah!
Hah! "Stream editor". About as relevant as "Strawberry"
@nitsua60 I realise it's an odd thing to get excited about, but I'm just that fed up with people quoting it like it's some fundamental truth that applies to every situation without any justification.
to be fair, part of why math is horrible is that you have to show your work
@Miniman But my kenku wants to go before your dwarf in initiative, and specific beats general so the race that isn't core gets to go first, right?
so even when I can get it right in my head, I feel punished when I have to write the ridiculous equation and solving out on paper
@trogdor math is horrible because we do a lot to teach it horribly, I believe.
@nitsua60 yes, this is indeed true
You start with these amazing things--numbers--that completely fascinate kids. They're full of limitless potential, and fun, and absurdities. And you can play with them.
it doesn't seem like we have configured our teaching of it in a useful way for teaching
But then we do everything possible, it seems, to beat that joy and play and exploration and curiosity out of kids.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Korean character in title, mostly non-Latin body, mostly non-Latin title: 바카라따는법【TAT121.CoM】아시안바카라 by zyvxziy7085 on rpg.SE
I wonder what it said... my Google translate offered that service to me, but I fear it would've been too apropos for Valentine's day...
Those who cling to it despite our best efforts to wrest the enjoyment away from them obviously have "natural aptitude."
(You mean, unlike every other kid who loved it until we grown-ups came along and ruined it!?)
</rant number 2>
@nitsua60 and then, BAM! And you got i*i = −1
@nitsua60 I am actually curious what your idea, as a teacher, is about how Math is taught wrong
@RollingFeles Hey, leave imaginary numbers out of this! Number theory is probably the most natural way to teach math and that probably starts with Group Theory.
@trogdor Not enough exploration, too much dictation.
I have my own ideas, but only from the side of a student
I, of course, am coming at it from my own very limited set of experiences.
as in an inflexible structure of learning?
@nitsua60 I second that wholeheartedly -- most people never get at what math really is because its those core tools that let you really explore properly (i.e. logic, sets, and proof)
@nitsua60 I think that is the most I can possibly ask anyways :)
@trogdor as in: lead kids to do more discovery, more creation of knowledge and understanding.
yet they don't get taught to anyone but math and CS folk
Yeah, that's true! Only people that would've liked math ANYWAY get taught the stuff that makes math fun.
because personally, I hate pretty much every math class I had after some point in High School, when everything turned into memorization of seemingly endless rote equations
Like Galois fields: the author of those died at like age 19... in a duel to the death!
I've got students studying fixed points in function iteration right now, for instance. Three days in class, a few more outside of class. Some of them might discover that solutions to f^2=x yield period-two orbits. Others might recognize that fixed points with slopes greater than 1 repel. (Don't worry about what any of those mean.)
it was a pretty horrible experience for me, not the least reason being that I started feeling like a math idiot
But importantly: those who do discover something will really know it, and understand something about its importance and utility.
@nitsua60 That sounds vaguely like physics. My brain will now shut down.
I like physics
whereas, I'm trying to get my writing muse back going, myself
And admittedly not everyone will learn these things. But some will.
Or maybe advanced type theory...
I think I can blame my father, because he teaches physics, and he taught his kids some physics stuff the same way he teaches his students
Which is better than just reading it from a book, when nobody will assemble a deep understanding.
@trogdor I'm sorry for your loss.
which for him MUST involve making it as interesting as possible
@trogdor Oh, that sounds way better than I thought it was going to end up.
@BlackVegetable I do not see it that way in the least
@BlackVegetable easy, there... you're in the presence of a father who teaches physics =)
@nitsua60 yeah -- it took me 3 tries to get through Theory of Computation because the first two profs both tried reading the book at me, which was actually worse than simply me not building a deep understanding
Hahaha. Physics is the only class I nearly flunked out of. The only reason I survived was because I stopped going to class, stopped reading the book, and started reading Wikipedia articles.
@Shalvenay Yeah, a teacher--even a smart, experienced, well-meaning one--can achieve some serious negative progress some times.
I have the one story I always use, I was in a class field trip, and the teachers brought large water containers with sealed tops
it basically left me in an impossible bind where I was trying to reconcile two very different views of the exact same concept (state machines)
no one could get any water out of them until I walked up to them and opened the top
@trogdor [listens]
because a vacuum of air was obviously a problem when you are trying to get water out of a container XD
and even the science teacher, unfortunately, didn't understand why what I had done worked
@trogdor whuuuuuut!?
I know
I was disapoint
So, I'm not sure I follow. I think I fall in the sad category of this story.
@BlackVegetable there was no possibility of air flow into the container to replace and push the water out
because it was sealed from the top by the cap
@BlackVegetable it may just be a problem of visualizing the container...
@nitsua60 Yeah, I think that is at least it.
Like a keg, kinda?
@BlackVegetable I just enjoy their unnatural nature :) Which doesn't hinder their ability to take part in solutions for real life problems.
My keg experience is limited to a single keg of root beer. So... bear with me.
this is one with the cap off and sitting near it
So if the cap were on, wouldn't some water still vacate toward a lower pressure zone of no water, albeit at a slow rate?
@BlackVegetable Groups, Fields, Rings are just some distant things in my memory :)
so, basically, with that cap sealed on, at first some water will come out, but it will slow down and stop eventually because it has lost too much pressure to let any more of the water out
@RollingFeles Groups sound way harder than they are. I have only a tiny bit of knowledge of the latter two.
@trogdor Because it isn't just using gravity to allow water to leave, right? Some it must flow up-hill to leave. So unless something can replace the water within the tank, the nature of a vaccuum is forcing the water to stay in equilibrium.
@BlackVegetable I had some understanding of all of this 6 years ago when I studied it in my first uni year. But I never really used it, so my brain just made some notes and dumped it after exams.
@RollingFeles Sheesh, I learned about fields etc. my last year of grad school.
anyway, as might be imagined, my father was proud of me for immediately knowing what the problem was, but he was kinda disappointed in the the teachers that didn't know the basic principle of how it worked
@BlackVegetable well, that is close, but it isn't an issue of having to travel up so much as having to travel with the force of pressure more than the force of gravity
@trogdor I follow it after a serious examination of it, but there might be something different in the brains of clever folk like you compared to physics dummies like me when it comes to immediately making sense of these kinds of things.
the container was full, and so if gravity was the only factor it would have had no issue getting out
@trogdor Right, I realized that a little after I posted that.
@BlackVegetable The useful--in my experience--comparison is to a full straw with your finger over the top.
it's no big deal, my guess is that you grasp a few things that would confuse me yourself
my philosophy is that everyone just thinks differently, not that anyone is actually generally smarter than other people
@nitsua60 Nooooooo! I hate that one. I refuse to believe it happens when it happens because it blows my mind. Straws are my worst enemy.
@BlackVegetable that's... another approach, I guess =)
I've got to go. Thanks all.
lol. straws are great though, just think of them as helpful magic XD
that is the way I typically think of math I don't understand XDXD
btw @nitsua60 -- is the 20th still looking like a go for a start date, or is it going to get postponed further?
My daughter struggled with maths last year. We think it was at least partly the textbook (even the teacher didn't like it). This year, a different textbook (different publisher/author) and she's finding it a lot easier (so far).
@Adeptus yeah, the teacher not liking the textbook can be a bit of a sign
@Adeptus I have personally found that different text books helped me
though to be fair, even in those cases I didn't always feel like the teacher understood in the depths of their soul that the people they were teaching needed a way to absorb this new information
not a boring rote being shown to them over and over
some people do like learning by rote, but it simply doesn't work for everyone
my parents taught me to read by getting me interested in a book first
I wanted to know the arcane story about the mouse that these "words" were trying to tell me
and eventually I knew every letter and word that was in that book, because I knew the story by heart, and had internalized all that information without even realizing I was being learned something XD
of course, then they kinda needed to teach me not to read until I dropped dead, but baby steps, you know XD
I remember when my daughter was little - probably about 3? She brought us a book, looking upset, and said "Say me the words! I don't know how!" She also ripped up one book, we think out of frustration that she couldn't read yet.
I can actually understand that
I don't know that I would have taken an action of ripping it up, but I can understand it
frustration is a powerful thing sometimes
to be fair, my parents did of course need to read my first book to me some number of times that I don't remember before the magic happened
but when I had memorized the story, I could also read the book
and for some reason, yes, I was that interested in this story, that I memorized the whole thing from it being read to me
I am guessing that is not quite the same way that most people learn to read
I think this might even be part of the reason I have trouble with learning other languages when I have tried
I can't exactly just grab someone who reads in that language and force them to read me a book in it until I memorize that book XD
obviously that isn't the only way I could learn a language, but it is definitely a good, inefficient, example
@Adeptus anyway, I hope this means she eventually turned into an avid reader?
when the task of learning it was complete I mean
because it is quite a blessing to not only know how to read, but to love reading XD
@trogdor Yes. These days it depends on her mood & what else there is to do, but she has been known to read her favourites over & over. Harry Potter for instance, she reads the whole series in a week or two, then goes back and starts from the beginning again.
that is what I have done as well
most notably with The Tales of the Otori
I must have re read that whole series at least 10-12 times
I would even re-read it again now, but I can't find the first book, and that is always how I start
well, half the time anyway
sometimes I guess I start with the prequel book
I think part of it, other than everything I liked about the story itself, was that I identified with the main character even more when he temporarily loses the ability to speak in the beginning, because I had major trouble speaking up at the age when I first started reading the series
I think those books are still my favorites, even now
I think the ones I've read most times are Dragonlance Chronicles. These days I don't get as much reading time as I used to, so I mostly read new things. Though I'm tempted to re-read the Cleric Quintet - I've only read them once, and enjoyed them, and recently saw someone recommend them to someone else.
I also have less time for reading now than I used to
and I think that is also one reason I read new things
and to be fair, even when I was re-reading things, I still moved on to new stuff later
also, my parents love to read books, so they understand that I do too, but they are surprised that I re-read things
and then they also are amazed when I remember some books in more detail than they do XD
(when that is one of the most obvious reasons for it)
4 hours later…
Yay, 20k questions in the stack! /me does the Snoopy dance
(BURNINATE's a small village)
no, not the way I should have celebrated that? ok then
Also, amazing how fast reputation seems to accumulate once bothers to learn the rules of DnD 5e.

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