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bitterns. how do they work
1 hour later…
I feel like they got Lizardman and Doc Oc mixed up.
This argument is pretty one-sided, in that Octopi actually re-grow limbs far better than Lizards
And rhinos are well-known for easily succumbing to heat exhaustion.
But in terms of manoeuvrability, at least over land, Lizards are superior over Octopi
But I suppose they're bad guys, so they need downfalls
However Meta they may be
@Ben Who did?
The ethereal and unembodied "they"
I guess what I'm asking is what is the context for this highly-confusing discussion of lizardmen, doc ock, and rhinos?
@Miniman The Spider-Man villains
@Miniman It's a non-sequitur, yes.
As for what inspired the thought: I'm bored.
Fair enough - I just don't know enough about Spiderman villains to follow.
Looking at it, if I'd known there was a Spiderman villain called Lizardman everything else would have made sense.
That's fair.
In our Savage Worlds game, I took the "Nemesis" Quirk. Her name is Dr. Croctopus
Bit of a spin on Dingodile from Crash bandicoot in there as well haha
How are you combining crocodile and octopus?
Yeah lol
Personally I like 8 tentacles, each of which has a crocodile head on the end.
...like a sharktopus?
I think it's up to the DM unfortunately
Actually, there's a lot of great options if you do a Google image search for "octodile."
@BESW Good grief, there's a movie?
@Miniman No! There's a film franchise.
@BESW We live in a messed-up world.
...never watch Diamanda Hagan reviews.
@Miniman you hadn't heard of sharktopus before!?!?
So I think that's one of the scariest things I've had to experience...
An old flame is having troubles with her latest partner - incredibly poisonous relationship. Anyway, apparently my name alone is a trigger for the guy.
He's now going around, using her identity (he's reactivating all her old facebook profiles) and is trying to add me
Needless to say I've tightened my security a little.
That is pretty dang horrible
I'll say. Good thing is, the chance of anything coming from it is minimal - everyone that might be a target is out of harms way
And, for any extreme measures, I've set up a "safe house" at a mate's place.
Ex-military, so I think it'll be ok :D
[Pats the concerned horse] Don't worry. It's ok. Here, have a carrot
Concerned horse reveals his true form
Huh was not expecting that one
4 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with a link in answer, pattern-matching website in answer: What kind of license or ownership does uploading content to D&D Beyond grant WOTC? by ramya on rpg.SE
1 hour later…
Morning everyone!
I wonder if listening to Motörhead would improve my planning and prep speed.
@ACuriousMind Oh yeah, I keep meaning to ask - is your avatar Kaelyn?
@Miniman Aye :)
I change my avatar semi-regularly, but it's always a video RPG character
@ACuriousMind Nice.
Hahaa, hobgoblin Iron Shadow seems like a perfect monster for reskinning to other martial arts masters!
@ACuriousMind I liked the Tali one
I didn't realize you were going off of a specific theme though
just thought you liked to switch it up
Maybe I should have a proper avatar too. The problem is, I'm rather attached to my default one :)
eh, changing it isn't for everyone
it's fun for some of us but if you like yours what is the issue right?
Yeah, I guess you're right ^^
I like how the middle square of my avatar looks like four white X-shapes or a blue cross, depending on whether you watch the "negative" or "positive" space.
And lo, yet another session postponed on the same day :<
I must be dead and this is purgatory. I will keep on prepping for "the last session of DnD" for a time that shall never come.
@kviiri That does sound like purgatory alright
I was just preparing the boss battle I brainstormed here yesterday. The evil Warlock uses their ritual circle to cast powerful spells, while the Barbarian and Paladin-themed characters mostly have abilities intended to keep the PCs away from the circle.
At least I'll have more time to finalize this...
2 hours later…
@kviiri You said you were growing more and more disillusioned with D&D anyway, so maybe you're dead and this is heaven; you don't have to play D&D anymore :p
@Adam heaven comes after the purgatory! I need to finish this campaign with pride!
And well, who knows... I might get enough rest for my nerves to try GM'ing the second part. It would be a shame to miss it, because that's the style of DnD I wanted to run all along.
(the first part of the campaign was supposed to be a tutorialish segment but has stretched and stretched...)
I'd still rather play it in 13th Age, though. Or Dungeon World, if I ever get the hang of the system.
Great RP moment(s) last night: the [5e] L2 party was chatting with a friendly wizard who was curious to trade info with the party. As we're talking around the table the paladin's player is silently mouthing "she's a LICH!!!" But Paladin's player is the only one who knows enough for that to be meaningful, so the conversation looks something like this:
PCWiz: So, what do you know about this floating stone we're standing on?
Lich: I've been using it as a base of operation to do recon--keeps me away from the undead. The jungle's festooned with them. [smirks to self]
PCPal [screaming silently]: /she's/ undead!
Lich: hmm?
PCPal: do we get fed?
Lich: oh, sure, that'd a strange way to ask, but yes, let's share a meal. This will be lovely.
PCPal [silent screaming]: don't eat anything she gives you!
PCCl: oh, actually, we just had lunch. The paladin's always hungry--don't listen to him. What are you trying to say, pal?
it's nice to have a Pal as a pal.
@nitsua60 hah!
Phew, got my job application submitted. Feel like such an adult.
An adult who listens to adult music and does adult things like cooking and vacuum cleaning.
@nitsua60 Liches are the best!
@kviiri Banality in your face !
I have Borderlands and Borderlands 2 (steam copies) to giveaway. Does anyone want them?
sure :)
to play, I mean, I'd be moderately miffed if someone wanted to sell it.
i don't intend to sell them. I can't guarantee I will have the time to play them however
you know how steam works
if that's OK with you I'll see if someone goes "oh, oh, me, me!" but sure, I don't mind that
@kviiri what kind of job you apply for?
@eimyr if you give them to me, I solemnly swear is will NEVER play them
@DForck42 I was approached by this consulting company that helps game developers (both video games and traditional) find publishers. I'm applying for a full-stack, but trying to wiggle in my machine learning stuff too.
I have both Borderlands 1 and 2. I haven't played 2 yet, but Borderlands 1 was a rather solid, simple but fun shooty game.
As usual, the "RPG mechanics" of experience and so are a bit unnecessary there IMO, but it wasn't too obnoxious as far as I can remember.
And you can rebuild your character for a nominal fee at any time! That's worth a lot for me.
(not that I ever do it, but having the option to do it makes me stress about my level ups way less)
The RPG mechanics of Borderlands was a core part of the experience for me.
I wouldn't have enjoyed the game as much if it hadn't added that level of progression+customization.
Yeah, I don't mean it was bad per se, I just feel it didn't add much.
But it's probably a matter of taste.
@kviiri neat!
@kviiri Do you mean "It didn't add much that I could customize my character's skills" or do you mean "It didn't add much that I had to grind several hours to get the XP to customize my character's skills" when you say that?
@ACuriousMind The first one, mainly. I didn't really feel much grinding pain in the Borderlands. Maybe I shot enough of those ant-spider things for leisure? :P
@kviiri Ah, okay. Yeah, I think they could've done a better job of making the skills more impactful. There are a few in each class that fundamentally change the way the character plays but most simply give percentage bonuses one doesn't really feel.
I played the Sniper/Revolver guy, it was good fun aiming for enemies' weak spots.
@ACuriousMind I didn't really have that problem, in aggregate. There were a few times when the transitional points didn't feel very impactful moment to moment, but the builds I played as and with definitely felt like I had made impactful build choices in them.

I had a Soldier(I think?) who specialized in high shots/sec, on-hit CD reduction for his skill, base CDR for his skill, and several bonuses while his skill was up. It *FELT* amazing.
@godskook The game is designed well enough that most character builds feel amazing unless you've gone out of your way to make something inefficient
At least that's what I can say after having made entirely too many BL2 characters ;)
@ACuriousMind what felt amazing to me was that my choices were such a major part of how my character played.
Like....I would've had to play differently(and more with more caution) if I didn't have turrets up constantly to kill whatever just killed me.
With the sniper guy, it was a surprisingly effective strategy to rush in, go to 0 hp, and take a revolver potshot at a nearby enemy to recover.
Heh, I write this very elaborate application in English and they reply to me in Finnish that it's cool, they've already spoken to the HR about me and want to meet up :)
From which episode is the robot that has a skill based on random?
(not sure I am thinking about the same game, though)
@AnneAunyme Claptrap?
yes, that's the name!
@AnneAunyme Pre Sequel
He was playable in Borderlands 1.5(aka 3), the pre-sequel, according to google.
this numeration is complicated :)
@godskook I don't think BL presequel should be called BL3 - it's just an expansion to me. Same everything, a little added verticality, lost a lot of the original charm...
I have to go, good-anything-you-do-at-that-hour-it-is-now-where-you-are !
@eimyr Agreed. I played borderlands 1 through once, played BL2 2 or 3 times with various characters, and played the pre-sequel for about 2 hours tops before quitting it.
The oxygen mechanic wasn't really fun.
@Adam Same here. I realise that movement speed is the same as in BL2, but it doesn't feel the same. It feels sluggish and there is some weird lag when turning. BL2 combat was a high-mobility deal, here you barely feel it, despite the oxygen jumping, slams and mid-air manoeuverability.
3 hours later…
Ah, finished a two-page pitch for my next RPG project. Hopefully they like it!
Today's clearly a day of getting things done.
Hey @kviiri! What did you end up doing with the players versus "players" encounter?
@MikeQ I stressed a lot over it, the figured out it's probably the best to have one "major" gimmick like the ritual circle and have the other enemies mostly support that with special attacks that help move the PCs outside the circle and keep them outside. But I didn't get to test it, because we had to cancel the session :<
That's a clean way to simplify it for yourself, while still having the complexity of the magic circle positioning mechanic. I like it.
Yeah, having people to bounce it around (and sleeping on the idea) helped a lot :)
So the next RPG project would be campaign #3?
It's meant to be a one-shot for players from party #2, as a sort of Intermission. Although if it turns out well, I can extend it.
There's also another little project I want to try... a tongue-in-cheek game where the players are agents of a criminal organization about to make a huge deal (like buying a suitcase nuke). However, everyone of them is also a double agent of a different legitimate intelligence organization under strict rules not to let any of their terror plots succeed.
Some of them might even have instructions that "we have managed to infer there is also another double agent inside the organization. You must not allow them to come to harm! Try to find out who it is and make sure nothing bad happens to them!"
@AnneAunyme When I read your on screen name, I pronounce it "anonymee" ... am I doing it right?
and then it's like a sitcom of people who are bumbling in really simple but crucial tasks, with some of them also going the extra mile to defend the others for just having bad luck!
@kviiri LOVE IT!
what system would you use for that?
@DForck42 Would probably have to homebrew something. I actually asked a question about it... let's see
Q: How to let my players fail their rolls intentionally, but covertly?

kviiriI'm experimenting with some pen-and-paper role-playing involving characters with hidden agendas. To foster a proper sense of paranoia, I want these hidden agendas to be unknown to not only the other PCs, but the other players, too. A PC's hidden agenda is known only to the GM and their player. O...

@DForck42 And I'm glad you like the idea :) I'm only sad the first thing I did after coming up with it was saying "hey, wouldn't it be silly if..." to my friends and spoiling the opportunity to pull if off with them.
@kviiri neat
@kviiri lol
@DForck42 Feel free to use and adapt the idea by the way! And if you try it, I would love to hear how it goes!
The premise itself is so funny, I think it could work even as an "open secret" game.
So, what's up?
@kviiri trainin
@kviiri Sounds a little bit like Paranoia to me, with Friend Computer replaced by a terror organization
@ACuriousMind Yeah, except I'm going to break my usual habits and won't even let the players know everyone has a hidden agenda (I've come to understand that in Paranoia, everyone knows everyone has one)
@DForck42 Just working on this new campaign stuff, listening to some music and enjoying life :)
@kviiri Well, you can't play the game more than once without the players knowing that, can you?
@ACuriousMind Not with the same players, no. It's a very one-shot -oriented idea
@kviiri cool
@kviiri No, start by saying "Nobody has a hidden agenda" even after you have assigned the players their individual hidden agendas
Nuclear warfare left the world facing a new ice age. A distant northern outpost struggles at the edge of the surviving world, only spared from the chilling winds by the virtue of a nuclear-powered something heating the place up. Now the community is being torn apart by power games between the man who controls the guns, the oppressed grotesques tending to the reactor core and the only doctor around who has favors to call in with almost everywhere. This ought to be a fun one-shot.
1 hour later…
So, D&D 3.x players: suppose a player shows you his character sheet, how do you know if it's too powerful for your game?
@Zachiel how optimized is the player usually?
really id basically take however much they min/max and/or optimize usually as some percentage out of a 100
and the apply that to a 3.x class tier list
usually I think its a 6 tier list
make tier 1 (best tier) worth 600 points, down to tier 6 worth 100 points
times their optimization percent vs their tier base score and compare
this is pretty abstract but should give you a baseline on what to expect
@Zachiel are you running any and all content is game or only a limited set of books?
@JoshuaAslanSmith well, it's actually a process I need to do with several players. One wants to run a psion, I trust KRyan here when he says that psions are ok. Another guy did this thing that I tought was OP once, which is persistent divine power (that was it. He just was a warrior with healing)
@JoshuaAslanSmith That's a thing I need to decide. I'd like "everything, magazines included" or "what I use in my other game, so I can use your builds if I happen to like them", but that's probably too much work for me (updating NPCs and thinking what to do with monstrous enemies that would just stay at their initial power level)
Q: How to handle rejected edits that appear to be objectively positive?

ZwiQRecently I made an edit on a one-year-old answer. The content of the answer is excellent, but it had many typos and grammatical errors, so I fixed them. In my mind I thought I was doing a nice thing: (1) The post reads better, particularly for people like me who get distracted by such errors; (2)...

After all, I think I should balance aroundd the power of the monsters.
@Zachiel What I like to do is identify the individual "too good" advantages. If I judge judge that they would trivialize the effort I put into designing the game, then I would label it as overpowered
For example, a single really powerful trick that has limited usability, that just means I'll have to be prepared for the PC's ability to overcome certain challenges
But if they are significantly better than average in many ways (too much HP, AND too much damage output, AND too high AC, AND etc etc) to the point where I can't challenge them at all, then they are too powerful
@MikeQ eh, I'm historically bad at drawing those lines. How much is too much? What's the expected baseline? (Hard to say, this is D&D 3.x after all, where no two groups play the same game.)
Last time I played that adventure, a slow spell that got in despite spell resistance in a lucky roll trivialized a fight with a dragon, the archer fighter never risked death because of high AC and his damage output was good because he could full-attack without the need to move - but I also had 6 players that time, this time they will be 4 (worse start, better once they ramp up on XP? No idea.
I don't know. It's a judgment call.
My personal rule-of-thumb is "Can they outdo a wizard or cleric given the same level and resources?"
a wizard or cleric? You set the bar pretty high
Rule of thumb, as in not definite
@Zachiel If your bar is lower, wouldn't that mean you have to disallow wizards/clerics?
Perhaps a better phrasing is "How do they compare to an average wizard or cleric of the same level"
@ACuriousMind to be true, it wildly depends on optimization levels. I'm infamous for playing a melee cleric who's not as equipped as he could be, being better than that is trivial. Being better than an optimized cleric? I have no idea how one of those is built (I've seen some in action, they're dangerous. But I also overestimate them because they're not being played by me.)
> Rule of Thumb. Once per session you can turn a social conflict into a game of thumb wrestling, whether it makes sense or not.
Maybe I should just keep playing 4e
Just try to imagine running a "difficult" encounter for them. How many enemies can a single PC drop (from max HP) in 1 round? What, if anything, would the PC need to struggle with in order to complete the challenge?
How does their individual damage output and effectiveness compare versus the other PCs? How about their saves and HP?
If their saves, HP, AC, and damage output are double or triple the average of the other PCs, then I would at least raise an eyebrow
But really, the most important two are:
1. "How well can I challenge this PC?"
2. "How well can I challenge the players if this PC is among them?"
@MikeQ that's some useful metrics (not just the linked sentence, those above are included)
Thanks. One of the hardest parts about being a GM is finding a balance, between letting the players feel powerful, and making the players feel challenged.
For the archer example, they can feel powerful by dishing out obscene amounts of damage, and can be challenged by facing enemies with high AC, high HP, and spells that don't require attack rolls.
@BESW hehehehe wish I could do this in real life
@Zachiel You might find this test useful - this sort of thing is what it's designed for.

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