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**[Timely RPGery](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nKltjD1HJ954pS3QZZL-E_ckNaKEeedxMKn7XwdFiio/edit?usp=sharing "Click for full source doc; please suggest items to pin!"):**
[Hatmas gallery](http://meta.rpg.stackexchange.com/q/6640/4398 "The Hattening is upon us!");
[Star Trek](http://www.modiphius.com/star-trek.html "Star Trek Adventures RPG 'living playtest' signup");
[UScons](http://casualgamerevolution.com/blog/2016/01/2016-tabletop-gaming-conventions-a-comprehensive-list "List of RPG conventions in the US.");
@nitsua60 Good pickup - when I looked at it last night, I actually forgot that modifiers used to be calculated differently.
@Miniman It's funny--Tuggy's comment mentions HP calculating, which isn't in OP. I think we're all reading onto that question whatever we're familiar with (True, the odds are pretty high it's one of 3.5, 4, 5, and that the modifiers work exactly as he answered.)
@nitsua60 I think he's assuming 1d8+Con mod is HP calculation.
(In 3.5 that'd be a reasonable assumption--there's not much other opportunity to add Con mod to a non-d20 die roll. But in 4e it could easily be damage... though it'd be unusual for a rogue to use Con for damage.)
@BESW 5e, as well. And 9/10 times, when someone is confused and doesn't mention edition, it turns out to be 5e.
@BESW And since it's a new player I bet it's pretty good odds we're talking about 3.5 or 5. Just being extra-safe.
Dec 22 at 4:45, by nitsua60
(But I don't even know it's 5e, 'cause it doesn't say so on the fracking cover!!!)
But even then, to address the HP calculation, we need to know whether they're creating or levelling up.
@Miniman But that's not necessary to address the core question "what's a modifier?"
As I've said before, I think it's good to push new users to follow site guidelines on their own rather than doing it for them--and it's especially nice to introduce them to closing in a situation where a very simple edit will get it quickly re-opened.
Ooh, I made @BESW's Starmas =)
Speaking of *mas, @BESW, I kinda liked the Henry VIII entry in your album. I feel like it's one of the few that's instantly-recognizable even with the obscuring mask.
Yeah, that's been a flaw of this year's theme.
Or rather, this year's chosen hat.
Timey Wimey left space for faces.
@Pixie [wave]
@BESW [waves back]
Good to see you in chat again! Unfortunately, I'm running late for a class. ttfn
I actually just discovered that my PF game is running tonight after all, so I won't be around long either... c'est la vie. :P Seeya.
That's a much better reason to leave RPG.SE chat.
@Pixie well then, welcome back :)
well that lasted long :P
@trogdor Heh. I'll be around for a little while, anyway.
fair enough
@Pixie do I recall correctly you started a new job a while back? (Like, 6 mo., maybe?)
@nitsua60 I changed positions, yep. And then I got promoted because someone retired early, which actually meant I was doing two jobs for quite some time. :P It's all going well though. I have my replacement now, and the department is settling in nicely under a new boss.
Glad to hear it's going well-and congrats!
Thank you. :)
I think I just recently got the kind of promotion that doesn't pay more, and instead just means people think it is important for me to go to meetings,... where I don't know what everyone is talking about XD
Oh no. xD
no one has called it a promotion, but I don't know what else to call it when my responsibilities increase and basically no one else's job has changed at all
Well, congrats on the increased importance, and also good luck.
if it weren't for the fact that I don't understand what these meetings are even about, I would be cool with it 100%
@trogdor have you tried asking to be removed from the meeting invites?
I would rather not make a stink over something that could mean I might get an actual named promotion at some point
it's annoying to be sure, but honestly, not so bad that I can't handle it
Maybe you'll pick some stuff up over time.
I probably will
I only just had the first one
and then another one is expected in a couple days
(the first one was a couple weeks ago, thankfully, just for clarification)
@Shalvenay basically, people were talking about jobs, and I felt like blowing off some steam, this isn't something I feel needs to change so much as I need time to adjust to
@trogdor ah
Hope things get more comfortable as you attend your next few. :)
it's the kind of thing I have always had trouble with
I mean, it literally adds an extra layer of interacting with people face to face to my job
and that isn't exactly my specialty
but I have also been developing the ability to cope with that kind of thing my whole life too, so not as bad as it might sound
not great, but not that bad
Oh yeah, I feel you there.
I suspect a few people in here do indeed also understand what that is like
[re-reads InSpectres while waiting for late client to show]
Battle starting up. Later!
later, was nice to see you back in here
I return from a power outage
I would be less surprised, except you are not on Guam (as far as I know), which usually signals that those are not exactly common
the year is 2045. christmas is illegal. jinglepunks exchange forbidden carols on hollynet and hang glowing neon strings of tinsel.
hopefully not
I am gonna need Christmass around when I found the nation of BURNINATION
it's only going to be named that because I can get away with it
Christmass is a magical time in the nation of BURNINATION, when all the family gathers together to decorate the Christmass tree and BURN IT.
I actually was raised,... burning Christmas trees right after Christmas
not during though
and not with the decorations still on, because we are not barbarians here :P
You decorate with firecrackers, obviously.
I will take that under advisement for 2045
@nitsua60 I read that as "Splatmas."
5 hours later…
Line from a beginner's cooking guide: "Microwave ovens do not have to be preheated."
Really? Phew, I was afraid I'd been doing it wrong.
(Running an empty microwave can be very bad for the microwave.)
(If you have to test a microwave, put in a cup of water so it has something to agitate.)
PC Gamer published a History of Hit Points article that starts out on the tabletop with D&D and moves to video games.
Tonight's dinner: I chopped up veggie dogs and sauteed them with onion and bell pepper, then mixed them with the mashed insides of microwaved potatoes. Seasoned with garlic salt, butter, paprika, and black pepper. Served with leftover baked beans.
Hah! I have learnt the name of the split edit whose overuse drives me buggy: the J cut.
Now I can pule about it more effectively.
It's a wonderful word.
it is
tonight, I saw the Westworld movie
Oh my. Should we add it to the Double Feature list?
unfortunately, Yul Brynner was not doing as much acting as I had hoped he would
it's,... something we could add if were adding such things as Sharknado
it had elements of so bad it's good in it
but if you have been watching the new series you will be highly disappointed with the depth of this movie
I still enjoyed it, but I was Snarky Trogdor while watching it
Tonight's Bad Dad has a... fiery temper.
for sure
Oooh, new secret hat.
That's a dapper secret.
Why thank you kind sir!
@BESW oh, Ming the Merciless, I thought for a moment it was Fire Lord Ozai
@trogdor Ming is yesterday's Bad Dad, the chat just hasn't figured it out yet.
@Miniman I can't see it too well
@BESW ah, fair enough
A: Hatocalypse 2016 Survivors' Photo Album

BESWThe March of Dark Fathers Last year I put doctors in the Fourth Doctor's hat and scarf. This year, every day a famously awful father gets to wear Darth Vader's mask. Hover over an image to see the bad dad's name and origin; click to see him unmasked. And please, drop by chat with sug...

@trogdor Bowler hat with a gear for an eye(patch?), called Like Clockwork.
probably for doing something more active than I care to be
Guessing it's an attendance thing.
@Miniman I'm guessing gear-monocle.
@Miniman attendance? like being on the site enough? cause that seems a little too easy, and I would most likely have it if it is that simple
So would I.
@Miniman honestly, I fully expect there are plenty of things you do on the site every day that I simply don't do
it could be for using all your votes for some number of days, or something like that
@trogdor Well that sounds kinda...off. "There are things you do every day that I simply don't do, Voldemort!"
but I didn't call you Voldemort
that changes the tone of the sentence a lot
@Miniman "There are things you do every day that I simply don't do, Mr. Rogers!"
also, I didn't assert that it was definitely true either, I said I fully expect it
@BESW yeah, yeah, like dat
BTW, I've added Howard Stark to my list of Bad Dads.
is this basically for not actually,.... parenting?
I suppose that does count XD
Yeah. Tony's...issues... with attention are arguably related to his dad's emotional distance.
(Howard may have also accidentally taught Tony to use substance abuse as an escape from emotional challenges.)
And I'm looking for more "not actually an evil despot" fathers to put on the list.
those are harder to pin down sometimes
> Shou Tucker (Full Metal Alchemist)
Don Draper (Mad Men)
Leland Palmer (Twin Peaks)
Peter Griffin (Family Guy)
King Arthur (the Matter of Britain)
Norman Osborn (Marvel Comics)
Bill (Kill Bill)
Howard Stark (Marvel Comics)
the weird thing is, usually a father figure is pretty good at it, or downright disgustingly horrible
not much in between space there
Fans of New #DoctorWho, Ever wanted to try Classic Doctor Who? My favorite classic adv: CITY OF DEATH is on BBCAmer… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/813450084486680576
oh shoot, Dr Who and Marvel stuff in the same feed
nice XD
@trogdor You may also like this thing he re-tweeted.
Q: Is it possible to have an intelligent item as familiar?

Momonga-samaThe familars are usually easy targets. I was wondering if one could have an intelligent item as a familiar or turn the familiar into an intelligent magical item and keep all the benefits like bonuses and spellsharing. Could this or something similar be achieved?

"Could this or something similar be achieved?" Given SRD, it seems no research effort was made.
@Powerdork That's cause for downvoting, then.
Then go in and answer it for a chance at a gold badger.
@trogdor yeah no just a single power outage, first in years, lasted 8 hours
hit approx 5400 Manitoba Hydro customers, per their twitter feed
8 hours, sheesh
I wouldn't expect it to last that long most places
I mean, here we have had them last months, but that is after literal natural disasters
oh fun
Typhoons suck
possibly even some outages after certain earthquakes, but I don't remember if that is actually the case
Mostly just after the '93 one--it shook down a lot of the old wooden power poles, or dropped trees on lines.
ah, no wonder I don't remember that one then
I was around, but it was a while ago
3 hours later…
@BESW Oh, dear. Shou certainly fits the bill. Also, Gendou Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion), likely the best-known bad anime dad.
Very typical, potentially hat-friendly Gendou Ikari image:
@Pixie Gendou is a good suggestion. I suggested Shou Tucker myself hahaha
@doppelgreener Aha. xD Well, I'm definitely with you there.
1 hour later…
Any Christmas adventures out there?
3 hours later…
well, Carrie Fisher is gone, I have no words
I guess this year had to take one more awesome famous person on it's way out :'(
And Richard Adams. And George Michael.
yep, this is just the latest one I have heard
George Michael I had already heard about yesterday :(
and I hadn't known that he apparently donated a lot to charity
while trying to keep it secret even
2 hours later…
Let's do some reverse scoundreling, Blades fans. An RPG artist was burgled on xmas. Help replace their lost stuff: https://www.gofundme.com/replacement-for-stolen-equipment
Does this question seem off-topic to anyone else?
It's one of those ones that seems to have "in D&D" slapped on to make it look OK.
I'd take it as a cue to how it should be answered.
Those answers which don't invoke D&D aren't actually answering the question unless/until they first show why they can't answer it as a D&D question.
Thinking about it, I am going to downvote for lack of effort, at least. A quick Google pretty clearly didn't happen.
@Miniman BTW, I'm upvoting the new guy's answer because he invokes his own experience.
That's answering it as a D&D question, even though he's not talking about established rulesets.

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