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Or "Here's one I made earlier" :P
It's DFRPG in a suburban neighborhood, and his character concept doesn't have him toting weapons around.
@BESW I see that, it makes a lot of narrative sense...
Which means it has a lot going for it (Golden Rule style)
A repair kit, yes. He pulled out a hammer to smash the toys last session.
I'd be tempted to add/change to a "for things made up on the spot" restriction.
Which seems to fit the intention, but prevent that.
But if it's not being abused, it's fine either way
If he wants to have something he made or fixed before, that's a declaration or invocation for effect.
I'd probably treat it as similar to rolling Resources to see if you have X expensive thing.
(Which is probably the most common way to get a good weapon.)
The player is very keen to get as much as he can out of the game without breaking the rules, so part of this is an exploration of what you can and can't do with a stunt.
@BESW That makes sense - it'll cost him a fate point for a +2 bonus (with the stunt being useful for subsequent applications of his made tools)
It's the only stunt the group has made up so far; the rest are straight out of the books.
@Jadasc Hi!
Has anyone else seen a "Speak with an expert" popup in the bottom right of the site, or is that just me?
This is spooky. I don't know if it's someone doing funny stuff with the ads or what
but that would be classified as an XSS attack which browsers should protect against nowadays.
And nobody's mentioned it in the blog :I Weird
It's April 1st
... Oh yeah :D
I had pretty much the same reaction, checked the source and searched for adviza, leading to a meta SO post on it.
@BESW Is this the sort of thing that needs to be reported in the fate core feedback?
@BESW Evening. Just popping in to see what's going on?
@JonathanHobbs Fate Core feedback is closed; right now, they're just taking commentary on FAE.
@Jadasc Ah! Dang, okay.
@JonathanHobbs Posting it to the G-Plus community, as you've done, should get some good commentary, but I believe the Fate Core rules text is pretty well set now.
@Jadasc It was C.Ross who did that!
Was out of the room, and wasn't needed after all.
(I can't track down where that post in the G+ comm is, anyone got a working link?)
Can't find it either. Trying to reshare using the share on G+ button here and failing.
@C.Ross We'd love to get a working link for your permissions/costs post on G+!
(...And so is your hair.)
You're very kind. :)
Feedback for FATE Core is still open, but only for typos and things really needing clarification. The text is, as mentioned, pretty well set.
@Aether Yeah, this falls under "Not as clear as possible, but clear enough if you look at the examples."
I suspect they probably spent a lot of time figuring out how to word it so as to not restrict what you could do with extras.
Hmm hey all you 3.5 familiar guys, What would you say a good class would be for a Rogue who needs to fight Demons.(I Have the same question about dragons, cant seem to find a class for that. I dunno if im lookin in the wrong book or what.)
also as a completely unrelated comment. I Hate the Swarm Subtype, and all creatures with it in 3.5
You mean a prestige class?
I Suppose so.
Not much I can do with Sub Levels or ACF now that the campaign is underway.
First time Rogue.
Not much knowledge of what I can or should do.
Besides sneak and pick locks.
and talk my way out of absolutely nothing.
Diplo and Bluff are where the dice always love to screw me.
Slayer of Domiel?
what book?
Hmm Id need an alignment shift for that one.
Okay this chat with an expert thing is sort of funny. :)
but no Biggie.
@JonathanHobbs ? I adblocked it.
@BESW It's a site april fool's joke. Try it.
and my wisdom isnt so hot.
I guess I'll have to wait for it to show up again.
@Novian For dragons, check out dragonstalker.
I Think Slayer of Domiel is out.
....or Hoardstealer.
Both Draconomicon.
DM has told us Demons will be present but Im playing a Dragonborn and he did go out of his way to have Bahamut send a Level 1 rogue a message about Said Demons. making me think he may pull something.
Hellbreaker for demons...
Could be decent against some dragons too.
Im probably being paranoid but how often would a DM use a God to communicate a message to an unimportant Dragonborn follower about Demons instead of Dragons.
it specializes in locking down creatures with fancy SLAs and the like.
@BESW (FC2:Tot9H) Means what now?
Bahamut is a paladin god; his portfolio extends beyond dragons.
Fiendish Codex 2: Tyrants of the Nine Hells.
I Suppose.
Hellbreaker looks a lot like what you want.
also the hardest to get into.
i have that very link open already.
That's 3.5.
Prerequisites are costs for awesomeness.
Id need 3 feats and 4 ranks in a non Class skill, although by level 12 I would be able to get those ranks easy.
Any rogue building for this from level 1 can qualify at level 5.
Im past the building stage. im level 2.
That's about as lenient as you'll get from a PrC like this.
Actually I suppose level 9 might allow me the feats I need and skill ranks.
You could try for a flaw to lower that to level 8.
How does one aquire a flaw mid campaign?
Mechanically, or in-game justifications?
If you'd be so kind.
> After 1st level, a player cannot take on additional flaws unless the DM specifically allows it (for examples of times when doing this might be appropriate, see Character Traits, above). (UA91)
ah thanks.
page 91.
> If the DM allows it, players may add traits to their characters after 1st level. The DM might allow a player to assign a trait to her character after she has roleplayed the character in a manner consistent with the trait in question, or after a traumatic or life-changing experience. (UA86)
> If the DM includes this option, a character should gain a new trait no more frequently than once every five levels. (same paragraph as above)
That gives a potential total of two flaws at level 1, up 1 every five levels.
(Same with traits, obviously.)
...should tag wikis be time-sensitive?
The FATE Core tag says "Fate Core is the new official implementation of the game engine."
@BESW Yes, sure
I'm thinking a time marker like "new" might be inappropriate.
Im going to scope the waters using facebook to ferret out my GM's intent covertly. See if he is going to; as a DFRPG player might put it "compel" My "Servant of Bahamut" aspect.
@BESW Yeah, probably doesn't need to say "new"
could use some cleaning-up too.
@BESW I get what you mean now! No, since that just leaves us having to edit it later. It should probably just say it's the current version.
> The latest "official" incarnation of the system is found in The Dresden Files RPG and Bulldogs RPG.
Hit that edit button :D
According to Combat Expertise would the benefit last until your next available action or until you actually took an action?
Link me.
Like Activating it one turn, and Doing nothing the next turn.
You Never know when doing nothing comes up.
and doing nothing isnt an actual action.
That is a Poorly Worded Feat.
My AC doesnt need any boost yet really, Its 17 in Chain Shirt so Im hoping im OK.
I would rule that delaying your action (as it's listed explicitly as "no action") would keep your CE buff active.
if I had a +5 BaB when using it that would bump my AC to 22, Not great, But im a rogue so "not in front, but behind" is where I suppose I belong.
although -5 to Attack rolls is a detriment to an already Low Chance to hit.
Sometimes Feats seem lackluster. and they are.
Often feats are nothing more than resource-burning mechanics in qualifying for better feats.
[snuggles 4e and its scaling feats]
Like Combat Expertise and Chink in the Armor. CE is lackluster but is needed for CitA.
Chink in the Armor is nice.
Mountain Plate? Pfft.
Dragonstalker Pairs nicer with ranger than it does rogue mysteriously. Yea Rogues get way more sneak attack die than Rangers(Because None.) but thematically it screams Ranger.
Sneaky Dragonhunting Ranger.
Rangers can be very good at sneaking!
Rangers are full of suprises.
Im just tired of every drow ranger being a Dual Weilding Fanboy Drizzt Wannabe.
I Love the books dont get me wrong but Repetitive Immitation is annoying. because they never get it Right. Nor do they need to Copy Someone elses character instead of making their own personality.
I wonder, Was Captain Ahab a Ranger/Great Captain with favored enemy Whale?
Here's a G+ response which I think agrees with me in spirit, even if the words are different.
2 hours later…
Beware--Tomorrow is April Fool's Day. The usual joshes will probably be in evidence. ND1906
2 hours later…
@BESW can you link me the post on making tough choices and compromises within a party?
Most likely. Thanks!
Do I smell a new blog post?
Ayup. Getting around to D&D rehabilitation post :)
I must say, having run a proper DFRPG session now, our habits about the GM controlling the world are harder to shake than I'd hoped.
Players are getting their greasy fingers all over your world? :)
@shatterspike1 Hi!
@Magician I'm getting my greasy fingers all over their agency.
And they like it.
They expect me to narrate and describe and dictate, and I oblige, all before we realize this isn't how it's done in FATE. We face/palm, move on, and repeat.
@shatterspike1 Wassuppitchoo?
dreading the end of this spring break
Still working on this Wild Talents campaign
How's that coming along?
@BESW When we play more narrative games in our group, it's still often me who comes up with descriptions, outcomes and cool events. Simply because I'm the best at it by virtue of having been a GM for over a decade.
@Magician Yes, well, I seem to have developed a nasty habit of 'helping' players narrate the outcomes of their characters' actions.
@Magician: like microscope?
@shatterspike1 That, too. Like Mountain Witch or Don't Rest Your Head.
Seems to be going alright, but I'll have to wait for an upswing in interest. My group tends to go through phases, it seems.
@Magician Are you doing a GMless version of DRYH?
Sounds like you need shorter-to-run, quicker-to-design campaign/system tools.
Strike while the iron's hot.
@shatterspike1 No, though I've been pondering GM-less games in general.
But DRYH gives immense freedom to players, especially if they win a conflict while using a madness talent
hmm. seems people are still here.
Come to think of it, I've had a bit of that trouble with DRYH too. The DLYM book helps a little, it seems.
@Novian Sorry, do you and the chat need some time alone?
@Magician It occurs to me that FATE might be able to run GMless.
@shatterspike1 We found out that our madness talents were very tame as compared to its examples.
no. just generally dont see too many people on around this time some nights.
err mornings.
The main source book tends to list crappy madness talents like "teleportation"
so that makes sense
Staying up late ducttaping together my characters backstory for the campaign i was talking about earlier, the rogue.
Duct Taping Figuratively of course.
DRYH also assumes self-destructive characters, which can be very hard for players who play to win. Their madness talents end up boring.
The game CANNOT be played if the mindset is "play to win"
DRYH, I mean
one does not win a game, he loses himself to the task of winning.
It would be kind of understandable in a D&D type game
or a game that grants experience
but DRYH only has scars and exhaustion dice in terms of positive progress
Such players still try to achieve the optimal story outcome for their character. And that means not going too far in a game all about going too far.
wouldn't that mean that you'd have to ratchet up the difficulty so they must go too far? PAIN DICE
I've no experience with DRYH, but I've seen someone play MLWM to win.
My Life With Master.
My Little Were-Mare.
@Magician This is now a thing.
They missed the forest and the trees, and were searching a volcano for them
@BESW I Dunno Legend did have that pony PDF for the game, its not so much of a stretch from there.
[hums a spritely tune]
I used to wonder 'bout lycanthro-py,
'Til you all shared infection with me!
One does not Simply become a Lycanthrope, Thats Absurd! one must be Bitten....And Fill out the proper paperwork.
@shatterspike1 Mhm. Of course, they ran into the conundrum that you can either play to defy the Master, or play to defeat the Master, but not really both.
See, that seems different. That kind of restriction of choice would be annoying to plenty, kind of like madness meters in a bunch of games.
@Magician In D&D that means Not pissing off the DM.(The first bit anyway.)
@Novian Yeah, it is the (usually) correct move in D&D, which is why they do it.
@Magician And thus, we return to the blog post!
@BESW Yep!
@shatterspike1 Well, D&D tries to have a similar set of restrictions.
It does?
You're supposed to be able to specialize in one, maybe two, roles per character, so that only as a group can you be fully functional and able to face down whatever threat comes your way.
@Novian "supposed to," "tries."
Whom no sane DM allows... It seems like it's more about the DM and players all being on the same page.
MLWM tries to divide roles similarly: one person defies the Master, and other defeats him.
The difference being that MLWM has hardwired the roles into the mechanics at such a basic level that trying to be good at both winds up backfiring horribly.
:) Couldnt resist
Oh, look. It's the insane hobo who fooled the Doctor into thinking he was the Master.
@BESW With Self X-Ray Powers Dont forget those.
Eh, those came much later. First he had the power to Conjure Dated Soundtracks and Re-Write Canon.
Heck, that hobo was so powerful he erased the only sympathetic character trait of the Founder of Time Lord Technology and Society, the man whose ego was so big he's the reason aliens (including humans) look like Time Lords.
on a similar topic The new companion is a bit quirky.
@Novian [He could have said about any of the last five companions.]
She didnt even know how to use computers to start off.
those people are the truely quirky ones.
And you think that's not a plot point about the multi-death (though she's still got nothing on Rory) time-hopper?
I dunno. She died twice in 2 episodes. she comes back faster.
not as many times as of yet but quicker.
Eh, having the Doctor bring you back to life hardly counts; Rory didn't need a Time Lord to return from the grave.
'true true.
The Doctor brings people back to life all the time. [yawn]
I miss Mickey or rickey or whichever one was the original
Mickey was great. He actually had, you know, character development.
The "Tin Dog"
@Novian That's my mother's second-favorite line in all of New Who.
@BESW and the funniest nickname out of all of the companions.'
I think Rory and Mickey are better developed than some of the companions in Dr Who
Rory's a companion. And technically Mickey is.
Didnt say they werent.
im saying they are better developed than some of their peers.
But yes, sadly the "Doctor Who Girl" syndrome is still alive and well.
I believe only one scriptwriter for New Who was a woman? It shows. These "strong women" are hitting all the stereotypes for men writing such roles.
.....Too sleepy to figure out Bahamuts speech pattern tonight..... ill finish the dialougue tommoro.
Gnight. Have a Nice Day!
There's a new pop-up on site
"Chat with an expert"
That is maybe the dumbest feature ever
@Undreren It's fun!
(It's also April 1st, in case anyone's missed that.)
It's the April 1st joke lol
brb, going to Wizards homepage
The youtube announcement almost made me poop with laughter
Question; why doesn't any game developers recognize that nightmares are just the watered down versions of night-terrors?
I want to play a werewolf with night terrors
Waking every night in hybrid form, on a raging killing spree
I'm having a conversation with myself, online. I just reached a new low...
@Undreren Heheh.
I once designed a 3.5 barbarian philosopher who flew into rages at the mention of existentialism.
Weird justifications for standard tropes are fun.
@BESW What? lol
@BESW ...how often did existentialism usually get mentioned in combat?
He hated existentialism, but it was the only philosophy he couldn't demolish logically, and so he felt bound to respect it and live by its tenets.
@Tynam Once his party figured out his trigger? All. The. Time.
Actual hysterical LOL. Thanks, BESW, I needed that.

A *rigorously intellectually honest* barbarian is a *wonderful* concept. I need a +1 for chat.
@Tynam We've got stars.
I know, but they're not shiny enough. I need stars with big +1s on them. And "like" signs.
Glad you like it.
Unfortunately, he saw very little play-time due to game issues.
I had rants prepared.
Always a pity when that happens. I had the same problem with my swordmage recently - I'm fond of the character, but our other D&D GM moved away after one game, so I never get to play him.
I've been thinking about an idea for a more free form rpg, based on one of the core concepts of Everway
mixed with some core concepts of Apocalypse World
Oooh. We likes Everway derivatives. (Admittedly, mostly because Greg Stolze rocks.)
I am unfamiliar with it.
I really liked the idea in Everway that players designs their characters' abilities with a extremely simpel point buy system
But I also liked the *world approach of moves
So I was thinking about mixing them
@BESW ...it's pretty old now; this was early 90s RP, and arguably the first of the really freeform plot-driven RPGs. It feels like a modern indie game, but was actually by WotC - classic Jonathan Tweet design.
Actually, it's the conversation-based play that I like in AW and DW, but the moves amplifies it
I think that would be possible. You'd need to keep Everway's basic approach, but replace the fortune deck resolution system with a AW-style move system.
I've been looking for a system to replace WW's storyteller (TM) system for a while
And this combo might be the way to go
I hate the STS
@BESW (Everway's resolution system was basically "draw a tarot card and the GM interprets it in the light of what the PC was trying".)
I also liked the "settingless" approach of *world, no one knows the setting before play, rather it emerges through play
That merges well with Everway's world-hopping through broken dimensions.
...we arrive through a Gate and then define the world we're on through play.
Interesting. I'd like a copy of the write-up.
So, basically I want to play world of darkness with a less codified meta setting and a "better" more evocative rules system
Hmmm... possible; Everway/AW mechanics lend well to adaptation. (I've seen Everway used for superheros and Star Wars, so gothic horror ought to be easy.)
@Tynam My thought as well
And AW's define-through-play ought to work well in urban environments; if you need more structure, something like how Dresden Files handles citybuilding ought to work.
I don't want the citybuilding from dresden files
It's a good idea
Fair enough. On-the-fly works fine.
@Tynam Indeed it does.
I don't know which base stats to use though
But I've been thinking about entirely dropping them
Even though I will need to revamp the resolution system a little
I'd love to find a way to keep Everway's character creation intact though; IMO the art card system was the finest character creation mechanic ever conceived.

(BESW: Everway's character creation was "pull five art cards that you like out of the big deck of fantasy art. Then tell your character's background story with those scenes.")
Would need a lot of work to set that up for WoD though.
I wouldn't need it
What about using the tarot again and going a bit more meta on the interpretations?
Could do. (Didn't WW print a couple of WoD tarot decks? I'm sure there was a Mage one.)
Good Tarot have a lot of suggestive detail.
It isn't what I'm going for, but the idea is good :)
I'd rather let characters emerge through play, as the setting does.
Yes. (Everway didn't use a real tarot, but a custom deck design of themed cards specific to fantasy, loaded with symbolic references.)
...I'd use a good ordinary Tarot deck and be inventive, especially with a generic version of the system.
I'd agree; a more standard deck would be called for here. But if you're going with AW's move system it's not required anyway.

I think you have to be careful how loose you get with this; the more initially undefined the _setting_, the more you need the _characters_ to have some story structure to work from. The characters will tend to generate the setting around them.
If there's any interest in the character design, you shouldn't have any problem with cool character emerging through play - your players will take care of that.

But it's important to note that everway's extremely flexible points-based character creation only works well because the player already has a background concept to hang the powers off. Otherwise the points system creates a paralysing amount of freedom - with anything being possible, it's hard for the player to pick a direction.
@Tynam I know, and way ahead of you :)
@Undreren I suspected you would be ;)
Ooops, client call. Got to go. See you later!
The first thing players must choose is "splat" (Were, vamp or mage, or anything they imagined actually)
Then we will have some conversation about what it "means" to be a (insert splat here)
a part I really miss in WoD, where this "meaning" is hammered out in adamantium, meaning it is almost completely inmutable
There could be rough guidelines
For the more regular splats
vampires suck blood, and are envigored by it for example
But do vamps have complicated societies ripe with intrigue and betrayal? Well, that should be up to the players
As for supernatural powers
I think each player should choose themes before actually choosing the powers
Sounding more and more like FATE Core.
For example, if you want to play a mage, then these themes should roughly be some subset of the powers granted by an arcana / sphere
I never read FATE core
You should! It's going in the same direction you are, and might give you some good ideas.
a power theme could be "telepathy"
I will then :)
Settings are determined by the group, and described with a few pithy statements.
Yeah, but that's easily achieved without an actual set of rules?
Characters are defined the same way, with a set of pithy statements that are used to describe the character's personality, interaction with the world, and relationships.
Then there's a game currency used to purchase abilities, but abilities are only available if the character phrases justify them.
Well, awesome :)
How do I get Fate Core?
At the moment, you have to playtest with a GM who contributed to the kickstarter.
But the book goes to press mid-month, and once it's published it'll also be available for free download as a pdf.
yeah then
[fidgets] My perfect 1:2 badge ratio is being ruined!
@BESW What are you talking about?
@Undreren For several months I had almost exactly twice as many bronze badges as silver ones.
Like, 20/40, and then I'd get one silver badge and three bronze ones for 21/43, and then it'd go up to 22/44, and so on.
Now I'm sitting at 31/67 and discovering that I have symmetry issues.
Poor thing
I know, right?
@BESW First World Stackexchange User Problems
@Undreren Exactly.
I think fate core could be easily used for exactly what I want in WoD
@Undreren I don't know what the "move" thing is you were talking about, and it wouldn't support the card-drawing resolution dynamic.
But it does seem very much parallel, at least.
@BESW are you unfamiliar with the *World games?
ok, basic rundown:
A move is an "ability" of sorts in the *world games
But is is also a rule that even the GM can't circumvent
They are build up around Trigger and Effect
The trigger is the in-game action required to force the move, the effect is the pseudo-mechanical way it changes the "fiction"
I'm familiar with a very few systems: D&D 3.5/4e (and by extension PF), DitV, SG-1 d20, MLWM, DFRPG/FATE Core/FAE, and a teeeensy bit of oWoD Mage and CoC 6th Ed. Most anything else is, at best, "I saw the manual once or twice."
An example could be Spout Lore:
When you consult your accumulated knowledge about something, roll+Int. ✴On a 10+, the GM will tell you something interesting and useful about the subject relevant to your situation. ✴On a 7–9, the GM will only tell you something interesting—it’s on you to make it useful. The GM might ask you “How do you know this?” Tell them the truth, now.
This is how a move is structured
A lot of moves are common to all classes (called either Basic or Special Moves)
And then there's Class Moves and Advanced Moves, both specific to classes
For example, the Ranger has a pet, and the druid can shapeshift
Oh. Yeah, FATE can accomodate that.
So classes are almost exclusively based around their class moves and the Advanced Moves they allow you to buy on level up.
I like Moves because they often gives the player the option to dictate outcomes of their action if they roll successes or partial successes
Heck, FATE has two separate mechanics for Players to Declare Things to be True, and its core mechanic is a form of metacurrency used to enable player agency rather than character agency.
Making the storytelling process a lot less one-sided
Player Agency > Character Agency
Oh well, I have to go
See ya around :)
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