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@JourneymanGeek i think females and males are involved in this,but my lillepus lost his family jewels last year so no kittens for him.
i have to follow him one day to see how far he goes,i know the direction but not how far he goes.i think he has been in one or more fights judging by how his fur looks.
1 hour later…
the last time i got a male kitten was in 1975 he lived to be 18 years old,i had forgotten how wild they get in spring when the snow is gone.
I wasn't even born then :D
1 hour later…
@JourneymanGeek ouch.
I mean, its the truth ? :D
@trondhansen Chester has settled into the “mellow with age” stage (or he’s slightly sick, but that’ll be a question for the vet soon). He’ll turn 10 in just two weeks. His life centers around sleeping, food and scritches.
@JourneymanGeek <reflects on own age> I believe you.
I'm hoping mom dosen't change her mind about the puppy again :D
@JourneymanGeek so it’s getting serious?
@Stephie my brother's lobbying for schnauzers. But mom's been waffling about this since last year so... we'll see in august
(I'm leaning towards a westie, assuming the right mutt dosen't turn up... they're my favourite small breed in general :D)

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