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Thanks; I am not angry at anybody, I just think it was preposterous to think that meme was stereotyping black people.
I don't know what that means.
a meme that types people
It's not "typing" anyone, it's just an innocuous joke. The joke is not even the Southern accent, although I personally do not see making fun of accents as a problem (Indian accents get stereotyped a lot and I find it funny quite honestly; similarly we make fun of the modern British accent or Australian accent)
It's a very well known meme format
That's how this kind of stuff starts, we group people together as "types"
Well, no, it's far deeper than that, yeah? White people were historically colonialist and had slaves. That's how it starts.
It's not a simple matter of just compartmentalizing people into races (which is OK - everyone has their own culture and race and history - this is what the popular liberal slogan of diversity tries to say). It's a historical matter of how a certain class of people were dominating a certain other class of people. It has nothing much to do with groupification of people, which is a completely natural thing
At least this is what I think and this is why I find internet discussions about racism or poverty boring and pointless
Hence why I agreed with Mike that if someone cares about this they should just protest on the streets and not talk about it in the internet at all -- we have been doing that for half a decade and it has not led to anything
I hope I am able to make my position clear. It's OK if you don't agree with me
True, the chances of change are slim on internet.
yeah thats all
ok, no hard feelings
yup. thanks for the clarification
np, take care pal
yup you too

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