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sorry about that.... I was just mad
Hi Tom - please just flag anything that is offensive. So whichever mods are around at the time can sort/delete/suspend as needed
I know - but responding like that makes you look worse
I know...
I knew it when I posted it, but I wanted to do it anyways. This guy just makes me pull my hair out
I know as mods we aren't in chat all the time, but if there is regular rudeness/bigotry etc - the only way we really get to track it is with flags
I have had words a few times, and had to give time-outs on occasion
Yeah, I read about that (;
I won't be here too often, but if I see anything flagworthy, I'll flag it instead of being an asshole
@TomK. thanks - we need flags to enforce stronger timeouts and suspensions, otherwise there is strong push back on us abusing power for no reason
it all goes on the record, so we can do a read across when the list gets big enough to say - yeah this warrants a month timeout or whatever
yeah, I kinda just thought about that.
It's kind of like with the folks in the internal services department. They need the tickets to tell the management that they need more people to hand out laptops. If everybody just calls in, there's no track record.
@TomK. that is a weirdly appropriate analogy - I may use it another time :-)
I just read The Phoenix Project.. it's full of this stuff (;
everything cleared up?
Or do you want to tell me some Siemens secrets?
@TomK. Heh - we didn't have any secrets. They were just a really good bunch - I was doing part of my degree on high speed circuits, so had a project simulating high speed gallium arsenide transistors (for mobile devices - this was very early days for that tech)
And they provided me with everything I could possibly want
@RoryAlsop yeah, this is exactly what I'm hoping for: a lot of resources and dedication. I experienced a lot of half-baked security management in the past 5 years, which lead me to leave my job ultimately. but what they described in that job interview just seemed very different from everything else I heard up to that point. especially compared to other interviews, be it consultancies or tech companies
@TomK. Admittedly, back then I didn't come into any contact with their security stuff - not sure how much they had in those days, to be honest, so I can't speak to that side, just that they had strong maturity in senior levels with regard to essential spend (and including research and personal development in that essential spend)
If you are interested, I'll give you some insights in a couple of months
iirc my job title is Cyber Security Officer, and the CSOs of some region are responsible for security management, IR/IH, vulnerability & risk management and report to the CISO
@TomK. That's an excellent role - it really is
Do you have regional SOCs?
@RoryAlsop I think so, but not 100% sure.
Congratulations in any case
So this is for Siemens Gas & Power (soon it's just Siemens Energy). They naturally have sites all over the globe. I think it wouldn't make too much sense to centralize NOCs and SOCs
thank you thank you. I think I have never been so happy about a new job. ;)
@TomK. Yes, we have SOCs and NOCs in every region for that very reason

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