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9:56 PM
@tripleee We will add the feeds for the , and other tags related to biomatter modeling there, to get more activity running, then will inform more of our community about the existence of that room. We have neglected that room unfortunately, while we were focused on maintaining some of the other chat rooms, but now that most of the other chat rooms seem on their way to where we'd like, we'll focus more on that chat room.
@tripleee Not yet, let's give it a bit more time and then I'll remove the lines from the .yaml file and respond accordingly on the GitHub issue within the next 14 days!
10:22 PM
@tripleee at least none of our rooms are this bad: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/15162/buddhism !!!
10:41 PM
I find it interesting that zero rooms are open at SharePoint.SE.

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