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Why aren't your profiles linked? Your mysterious stranger giving you trouble?
Hi @Mazura
Let me make it visible
The downvoter continues to downvote my answers
A: Reciprocate with negative connotations

Decapitated SoulYou might want to use retaliate. Retaliating means when someone does something bad to you and you in turn do the same to them. Example: When someone downvotes your post and you in turn downvote their post, that's called retaliating. If you retaliate when someone harms or annoys you, you do ...

I caught them red-handed
See my comment on my answer
A: What are the origins of the word "nice"?

Decapitated SoulHistory of nice: Nice is a highly polysemous word. A polysemous word has more than one meaning. Origin: Ne- (not) + scire (know, same root as 'science') -> nescire (not know) -> nescius (ignorant) -> nice (careless, clumsy, stupid - late 13c). In 14th century, its meaning was foolish, ignorant ...

The downvoter is the same
I suspect he uses two accounts simultaneously
Whenever I get a downvote, I get another right after the first one
The downvoter is Hachi
They have changed their name now
I had opened their profile, their rep was ___7 and after a few mins, I got a downvote when I checked their profile, their rep was ___6
In this question, Hachi has also posted an answer (copy-pasted), when I posted a credible answer, they downvoted mine...
And deleted their answer (4-5 downvotes)
Yesterday when I posted my answer, their answer got 4 downvotes then they deleted their answer and downvoted mine :/
This user is Hachi
I don't hold grudges against anyone...I'd move on but this downvoting is more than irritating now
They're so vengeful
Careful calling people out, specifically by name, or easily seen through allusion. I'm sure it's against the rules or w/e
Contacted a mod?
I told them a few times in ELU chatroom... their replies weren't helpful
I've told them again
Waiting for them to respond
Them, or a mod?
Deff do not contact dude
All the mods are in ELU chatroom
I guess I should contact SE admins through email
Q: What can I do if I'm the victim of serial downvoting?

Nathan CamposWhile browsing Stack Overflow, I noticed that I lost a lot of reputation: Is this serial downvoting? Will it be corrected by a rep-recalculation? How often are those done? Here's a second instance:

pretty much
because they also apparently know the rules if the system isn't catching them
or you're wrong
which i doubt
GL ;\
I can't flag my posts because I got 2 downvotes on each... this flagging thing is for serial downvotes
Probably more than 5 or so
You have your accounts split. I don't see how they can let that stand or do something
Ah.. I've hidden other communities
But I made ELL visible
Dude has ~60 answers at -1 out of 800. IDT they GAF
I thought I was bad, but I don't let BS ride like that
I barely get negative score
It's because I triple-check my answers
One of the downvoter is Edwin Ashworth
He downvotes everything
I have seven answers out of 609 at -1 on DiY.... and the one that's at -2 has two UV on my own comment to it : "The down vote was appropriate, IMO this is a stop gap product."
Now now ;p
This is a public chatroom
You have to edit it to something else to not make it so obvious ;)
Also, talk like this is why they nuked Mos (SSHHHHHHHHHHHH)
srly tho; they don't get back to you then be a squeaky wheel, at least until they say no
My negative scored answers
Only 2
The one with -1 was downvoted by Edwin
The other ... I posted it today - got downvoted by Hachi
Wow. I just click delete draft and save myself the trouble
You should see the crap I don't post
nobody wants to see that ;)
I type it. I'm done venting. I delte draft
I've seen you venting lol
lol that's what im saying
If I knew what these idiots would upvote then I'd be better at it
I serve posterity, and not my ego when i can help it
That's nice of you
Most of the members just do it for reputation
I've never lied on SE and that's why it's so hard to not freaking strangle these weebs
After the whole mod-dica issue, i took one of the kid gloves off
Secondary currencies are always a cheat
felt it was time SE needed a bit more from the dying breed of no-men
the community manger that got fired and 2000 ppl quit over
Most members have quit posting
Like .. Araucaria
I really like Araucaria's posts
mostly i just parrot what i heard everyone say when i got to SE 6ya
everything's a dupe
I enjoy posting lol
In these days... I've nothing else to do
I've been super active on ELU
Tell me about it
and now there's less mod activity than ever
SE is still not in a good place, except it needs turn over otherwise the site dies and they don't make add revenue
or sell this Teams crap w/e that is
How would you improve it?
Fire the current mods I guess
Or reinstate Monica
I've come to the conclusion that it works exactly as by design that it should
@ScottSeidmann Maybe Wikipedia can be a model. First they grew exponentially, but that could not go on forever, now the number of articles only grows linearly with time. It's a sign of saturation or mission accomplished. Basically you could ask yourself what kind of content can be created from continued engagement, signal or only noise. Building a knowledge base is replaced by maintaining a knowledge base. This probably requires a special kind of engagement. Or is it to be something else. What is the purpose of it all here? Why do we spent time here? — Trilarion Feb 19 at 22:45
read on from there if you want
Keep calm; carry on. I'm out ;)
Nice to meet you! And thanks for helping me :)
GL +

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