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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 22:00

in v3, A still returns a list for a single char string. is this intended?
also, [1, 2, 3] & [4, 5] is [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] - i thought it was supposed to be [1, 2, 3, [4, 5]]
LOL wow
> #["1"|"0"#]B
it's doing string multiplication
I'm trying to add tests but none of the elements even work properly
I finally thought I found one that worked - b. But nope, it won't vectorize lol
okay I think C works
@Steffan no
@Steffan dang it. I've mixed that up with J haven't I.
& = Concatenate ([1, 2, 3] & [4, 5] = [1, 2, 3, [4, 5]])
J = Merge ([1, 2, 3] J [4, 5] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
I did
@VyxalBot status
@hyper-neutrino I am doing things like secretly laughing at your attempts to impress me.
hm weird
potential crosshatch logo
without thebackground
Lyxal opened PR #16 (Vyxal/Crosshatch) (Vyxal:add-a-readme → Vyxal:dev): Add README.md
@Steffan Oh noes
Can you make an issue or something with the elements that don't work?
@hyper-neutrino is the bot supposed to send a message for reviews?
well it sure failed to do so for this one
Maybe it only does it for Vyxal/Vyxal?
No, it also does for VyxalBotSE and cookie
!!/make meh a cookie
@Ginger Here you go: 🍪
GingerIndustries requested changes on PR #16 (Vyxal/Crosshatch): "Also, the command needs to be `poetry run crosshatch` with a lowercase c."
Ah there we go
!!/make me a cookie
@lyxal Here you go: 🍪
Thank you
@lyxal why tf did Black remove spaces around equals signs
That's like something that was introduced in black 23 I think
Named arguments?
@user yea
also why did it add trailing commas to lists of stuff
line wrapping
@Ginger do you mean commas?
yeah lol
They're also useful if you decide to move around the items in a list
You can just yank the last line and paste it elsewhere instead of also manually inserting a comma
GingerIndustries opened issue #17 in Vyxal/Crosshatch: Highlighting issues with strings
GingerIndustries approved on PR #16 (Vyxal/Crosshatch): "LGTM. Once you make the logo change, request a review and I'll merge it."
GingerIndustries merged PR #16 (Vyxal/Crosshatch) (Vyxal:add-a-readme → Vyxal:dev): Add README.md
GingerIndustries closed issue #9 (Write a README, Vyxal/Crosshatch)
GingerIndustries deleted branch Crosshatch/add-a-readme
@lyxal oh one last thing: there's still some woogly bits on the logo
interesting, they aren't immediately obvious in paint 3d
probably bc of the white background
should be fixed now
@user I can fix it myself
I hope I didn't screw up the implementation for vectorization itself
is it ok if i fix it on the add-more-v3-tests branch while adding tests for it?
Probably, yeah
v3 is so far from being stable that literally anything goes right now
Okay, maybe not literally anything, but you know what I mean
alright did A
now &
What should & do when only the second argument is a list? I think it should always convert the first to a list ("123", 6 => ["1", "2", "3", 6])
Oh wait you mean neither is a list
Converting first to list sounds good, but should numbers be digit list or range?
I think it should be called tack though, it's not concat
So: case (a, b) => VList(ListHelpers.makeIterable(a) :+ b*) good?
I think so
ok with claling it tack?
Or append, since more people would understand that
Also, I don't think & should simply add stuff it doesn't know how to append (the last case is case (a, b) => MiscHelpers.add(a, b) currently)
yeha append
We could probably figure out a different overload to put there
@user see latest push, i'll change the name
so idk what to do about this
> #["1"|"0"#]B
it's doing string multiplication but idk what to do
@Steffan re isVowel, the description says it's supposed to vectorise for strings instead of just checking if the first char is a vowel, should we update the description or change the implementation?
that's what it does i think
I think it would be nice to have a better stinky blond trash command for the REPL than vyxalJVM/run. Can it just be like run or repl?
idk how to fix it tho
it just only vectorizes for strings >=2 len
@Steffan here's where the offending code is:
  case l: VList =>
    l.foldLeft(0: VAny) { (res, i) =>
      MiscHelpers.add(MiscHelpers.multiply(res, radix), i)
@Steffan We can make a task for that, yeah
@lyxal ninja'd 😎
What's it supposed to do?
@lyxal I know that
that's how i noticed what it was doing
it's supposed to take each item as if it is a digit in a bijective kind of number
meaning that strings need to be cast to digit under some sort of rule
that's not very useful
one solution might be def toInt(value: VAny, alphabet: String)(using ctx: Context): VAny as an overload
note that this is also a bug in v2
!!/run `110`fB
@lyxal 01011010110
but as a normal string it's fine
that's not useful guys
We could have a tryToInt that tries to convert to an int, and if it can't, gives up and returns 0
well ig uess it could be used
Or maybe not 0
@Steffan it's because binary is expected to either be a string or a list of bits
Maybe the original item
btw @Steffan i dont know if yu saw but turns out there's a thin cluent for samba baking tubes so you can run sbtn vyxalJVM/run instead of going untothe shell
lol i googled sbtn and got science based targets network
so how does this thing help
no shell needed
directky runcommand frm terminal
so it keeps sbt running?
zsh: command not found: sbtn
try sbt --client then?
yeah i just did that a bit ago
it's downloading sbtn now
cool cool;'
[info] entering experimental thin client - BEEP WHIRR
sorry for bad typing, other hand being used for banan
lo, yah
still zsh: command not found: sbtn
but i guess i dont need
Did you install with coursier?
If so, cs install sbt should install it
what's coursier
i used brew
Well you can always use an alias
wait i'm dumb
sbtn never worked, it's just that it's name is sbtn. The command was always sbt --client
I'm such an idiot
yesterday, by user
Btw, it turns out sbt can be run without the shell, you just need to use the --client option. I just wasted like 5 hours trying to make my own sbt client when it's existed this whole time
I literally put it in chat yesterday
ok it's buggy
The --client thing?
Hmm, sbtn does work for me
> #["1"|"0"#]B
> #["1"|"0"|"1"#]B
> #["1"|"bcd"#]B
[error] java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "BCD" under radix 2
well with vyxalJVM/run then when i type soething to the repl nothing happens
i mean pressing enter just adds a line
Yeah when I was trying to make my own client, sbt didn't seem to accept input when I piped stuff into its stdin
Try ./mill jvm.run maybe?
@Steffan It's working for me in WSL, are you on Windows?
this is only a problem with sbtn
Does mill work for you?
aaaaa I've started writing pass in Scala
6 hours later…
@UnrelatedString so close yet so far
i kinda hope this is impossible, granted
3 hours later…
okay time to do a little fixing
GingerIndustries opened PR #18 (Vyxal/Crosshatch) (Vyxal:fix-string-highlighting → Vyxal:dev): Fixed string highlighting priority
@lyxal could ya review that for me?
Because bed
And sleep
alright lol
Please hold.
I'll just get @mathcat to do it instead
okay now that that's done I'm gonna go learn scala
or try to, the online interpreter is not very good
@lyxal what build tool are we using?
because I'm going to install Slippery Banana Trail unless otherwise specified
abort, doesn't look like nix has a version for Scala 3
ok, I have successfully failed to get Scala 3 working in a repl
@Ginger yes but only for select repos
do you want me to add Crosshatch to that list
eh, it's fine
GingerIndustries merged PR #18 (Vyxal/Crosshatch) (Vyxal:fix-string-highlighting → Vyxal:dev): Fixed string highlighting priority
GingerIndustries deleted branch Crosshatch/fix-string-highlighting
GingerIndustries closed issue #17 (Highlighting issues with strings, Vyxal/Crosshatch)
I'm positive that I'll be able to finally make github workflows work today.
oh boy
alright, now I just need 2 approve reviews and I can [[Merge 54 commits into main from dev]]
./crosshatch/__init__.py:1:1: F401 'importlib.metadata' imported but unused
./crosshatch/__init__.py:15:81: E501 line too long (90 > 80 characters)
./crosshatch/commands.py:1:1: F401 'rich.columns.Columns' imported but unused
./crosshatch/const.py:7:81: E501 line too long (109 > 80 characters)
./crosshatch/const.py:7:110: W291 trailing whitespace
./crosshatch/const.py:14:81: E501 line too long (81 > 80 characters)
./crosshatch/const.py:15:81: E501 line too long (98 > 80 characters)
./crosshatch/repl.py:13:5: F401 'readline' imported but unused
have you tried pulling the latest changes
lyxal Blackified the code
I did, yeah
Is there a reason why you used f strings here?
nope lol
yesterday, by mathcat
@lyxal I'll fix this quik too
I wonder if it is possible to reformat the code with Black and not just Flake8 the code?
Let me create a fork of a fork real quik
frick you can't do that
wait branches exist lmao
yeah, you can't do that unless you install pre-commit
@Ginger do you think that's worth the hassle?
@Ginger You don't actually need to install Scala itself, just sbt
@Ginger It's called dotty, unfortunately
@Ginger Which one? Scastie?
@Ginger sbt. We might decide to continue supporting mill (because you can just run ./mill taskname without installing Mill or sbt) but it's safer to just download sbt and use that
If you want to install all the Scala tools listed here, you could install Coursier (Nix package)
Sorry for all the pings
@user When do you use traits in scala, I can't see why you'd smh need one, and SO isn't making it clear either.
If you have Coursier, you can run cs setup to install sbt, scala (the default Scala REPL), scalac (the Scala compiler), ammonite (enhanced REPL made by Li Haoyi), and Scala CLI (thing to use for prototyping, single-file projects, etc.)
@mathcat Multiple inheritance
You can only extend one class, while you can extend multiple traits
With Scala 3, abstract classes have kinda become less useful since traits can do almost everything they can, but Scala's main target is the JVM, so it needs to keep those
They're like interfaces in Java, except they can have fields too
@user yeah
@user I don't think Nix has a sbt version for Scala 3
also I have had limited success with getting Metals to work with replit
You can use Gitpod or a GitHub Codespace
@user @mathcat can we get some final reviews on Crosshatch? I'd love to be able to merge that stuff today
@Ginger There aren't separate sbt versions for different Scala releases
@user running it on replit downloads Scala 2
You can use the same installation of sbt for a project using Scala 3, 2.13, 2.12, etc.
@Ginger But you can still use it for a Scala 3 project
maybe Coursier will work
@Ginger Approved!
just one more and then I can merge
@Ginger You don't need Coursier to install sbt
but it's on Nix soooo
Coursier will install the same version of sbt that you install using the Nix sbt package directly
You'll still be able to use Scala 3 in Vyxal and other projects
It just downloads Scala 2 by default
@VyxalBot Weird, I didn't see this message until a minute later
boom done
time to install metals
Does one of these IDEs work?
@Ginger Metals isn't a package you can install separately, it'll be an extension/plugin to an editor you use
but I want to see if replit works first
I just looked it up, doesn't seem like Replit supports Metals
Does Replit support language servers?
but that doesn't mean I can't get it to! I already kinda did
@user yes
Ooh nice
right now I'm trying to get Coursier to install stuff into the repl's main dir instead of .local because that's the only dir that gets preserved between repl restarts
I‘m sorry I couldn’t open a PR/approve earlier today, but I‘ll be back in a few hours.
ok I got Coursier to put all its stuff in a .coursier folder in the repl
oh frick
~/scala3$ sbt
/home/runner/.cache/coursier/arc/https/github.com/sbt/sbt/releases/download/v1.8.2/sbt-1.8.2.zip/sbt/bin/sbt: line 460: java: command not found
copying runtime jar...
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘’: No such file or directory
/home/runner/.cache/coursier/arc/https/github.com/sbt/sbt/releases/download/v1.8.2/sbt-1.8.2.zip/sbt/bin/sbt: line 467: java: command not found
/home/runner/.cache/coursier/arc/https/github.com/sbt/sbt/releases/download/v1.8.2/sbt-1.8.2.zip/sbt/bin/sbt: line 229: exec: java: not found
guess I need a JVM too
So, automatically formatting won‘t be possible without pre-commit, but it should be fine.
If you run cs setup it'll install a JVM for you, I think
I think it did, but not in the correct location
> Found a JVM installed under /nix/store/ca5zjmdcha9wa4gfvw7vhmz5wkr1ra66-openjdk-17.0.4+8/lib/openjdk.
yeah it took the Nix store one for one that's actually installed
ooh it's working (I think)
> [info] welcome to sbt 1.8.2 (N/A Java 17.0.4)
@VyxalBot I got the yaml on my fork if you want to copy-paste it btw
@user so this is a build server, right?
if so I'm gonna try to figure out how to have it start when the repl boots
If you scroll up (a lot) you'll see us discussing a client that you can use either like sbtn <taskname> or sbt --client <taskname>
sbtn might not work for you, it didn't work for Steffan
I'm trying to figure out how to get the server started in standalone mode
If you just do sbtn it should start up
I think
It'll say "server was not detected. starting an instance"
ysthakur opened PR #19 (Vyxal/Crosshatch) (Vyxal:autoformat → Vyxal:dev): Autoformat on push
Actually, no, not passing any tasks drops you into the sbt shell
So you'll have to do sbt --client <dummy task>
@mathcat What's that, you said? :P
@VyxalBot @user no way that actually worked
… how
Witchcraft and wizardry
@VyxalBot Look ma, no precommit!
I just copied it from the v3 workflow for generating elements.txt, which I copied from someone on SO
so what I want to do is launch a sbt server and then whenever the user hits run start a client to trigger the build
that way Metals can use the running sbt instead of starting one
You could launch the server by having it run a dummy task like sbt --client project (that'll just list the current project)
fricknuts I have to also move the cache dir
Why's that?
If you install sbt as a proper Nix package, do you still have to mess around with the directories?
it gets deleted when the repl restarts and Coursier doesn't like it
easy fix tho
oic, are you going to just create an empty cache dir when the repl boots?
ngl, if this is being so troublesome for you, you might want to try out mill
nah, I'm going to put the cache dir in the repl's code area like I did with the main dir so it persists across restarts
I thought you had a limited amount of space
Keeping the cache means all the libraries we use will stay there
I'm sure it's fine
if it's not I can just change it later
Could you try out mill and see if that works for you? It's a lot faster than sbt, so you probably won't need to start a server right when your repl boots
Metals can use Mill too (I got it working for Vyxal, although not for one of my personal projects D:)
I could, probably, but yall said you were using sbt
I'm willing to use both sbt and mill myself to make sure both are working
GingerIndustries approved on PR #19 (Vyxal/Crosshatch): "Not sure why you changed `repl.py` but lgtm"
That was black, not me
oh lol
weird, Black changed those already when lyxal ran it
it's got indecision issues q:
@user should I merge it?
You may end up having to switch to sbt at one point, but right now, it seems like Mill works, so if you can get Metals working and get Metals to work with Mill, it should be easier for you
@Ginger Please
GingerIndustries merged PR #19 (Vyxal/Crosshatch) (Vyxal:autoformat → Vyxal:dev): Autoformat on push
I wanna boost my GitHub stats
GingerIndustries deleted branch Crosshatch/autoformat
boom done
> GingerIndustries wants to merge 58 commits into main from dev
good lord
nah, nobody's made any commits to main
You can't squash if main's empty?
I don't want to
1 hour later…
fricking coursier
coursier has been giving me this error for 10 minutes:
JVM graalvm:22.1 not found in index: No graalvm version matching '22.1' found
and that's true, it's listed as 22.1.0
but I can't do shit about it
oh huh, my storage is full
coursier's cache used up a gig of storage, wow
well, since there's no real way for me to preserve the cache if it uses that much space, I guess all I can do is give up and try something else
I wish scala was less of a pain in the ass
either that or for replit to work reasonably
Don't let it cache
@Ginger Weird, graalvm should not be necessary, that's a native thing
@user I don't think that's possible
@Ginger welcome to the club
Also, isn‘t EOFError a linux thing? I‘d imagine ctrl-C would quit the repl.
Or at least ctrl-Z
@mathcat It does normally, I just rejiggered it to clear the current line
You should use Ctrl-D to exit
@Ginger If your replit's pubilc, could you give me the link? I don't have much experience with using Repl.it but maybe I could help
I gave up lol
thought as much :p
why do you use replit for everything
ever heard of a computer?
Real gamers run their code on their own computer
If they wanna sudo rm -rf / then they sudo rm -rf / their own computer
if I could I would
@Steffan what's that? A subdivision class of anemones?
Kids today are too engaged with their interweb thingies.
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 22:00

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