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This question was bumped recently: Analytic equivalents for primes in arithmetic progressions. I'd say that both and would be suitable tags - but that would already be six tags.
Q: Analytic equivalents for primes in arithmetic progressions

Greg MartinBy way of context: it is known that the prime number theorem $\pi(x) \sim x/\log x$ is (nontrivially) equivalent to the statement that $\zeta(s)$ does not vanish on the line $\Re s=1$. I would like to have it clarified what are the analogous equivalent statements for primes in arithmetic progres...

This question has no top-level tag: Borel sigma algebra coming from the weak topology on TVS. I am not sure whether to use or [tag:fa. functional-analysis] or both.
Q: Borel sigma algebra coming from the weak topology on TVS

Ali BagheriLet $(X,\tau)$ be a topological vector space. Suppose that, there is a sequence of subsets $X_n\subseteq X$ with, For every $n\in \mathbb{N}$, the topology $\tau$ on $X_n$ is second countable and metrizable space. $X_n\subseteq X_{n+1}$ and $X=\bigcup X_n$. Q. Is the Borel sigma algebra com...

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