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5:46 AM
@hm2020 I have re-added the links, because a) one of them is a doi link and is very stable, the other is a zbMath link, which likewise shouldn't change for a long, long time. The Stacks project is pretty stable, if it goes then a lot of MO is in trouble, but these can be fixed by a script all at once. The only other one is to a scan of Artin's notes. If this breaks it can be fixed. This is a one-off effort to help other people, potentially many of them, not have to go looking themselves. Please don't remove the links again. — David Roberts yesterday
I saw that correction of deadlinks by some automated proces or a script was mentioned several times on MO or MO.meta. But I don't think something like this really happened at some point in the past. (Here I do not count some changes related to Stack Exchange network.)
A: What to do with links to arXiv front end?

YCorIf it's been down for a few weeks it's too early (as you say) but a good idea to mention it now. Your query points to about 600 answers, this is a lot, so the hope, if it's once judged time to make a change, to do it in an automatized way (which can be done only by moderators, I guess). Maybe so...

> Your query points to about 600 answers, this is a lot, so the hope, if it's once judged time to make a change, to do it in an automatized way (which can be done only by moderators, I guess). Maybe some preparatory work should be done prior to detect what is the right script to run (list the multiples ways how the links are formatted, etc).
For the examples you give, I see the possibility where the macro names are better than the symbols they might define for communication, so I would leave those alone. In general, I would use this post as a place to list problem examples for which a strong argument for change should be made. If there are a lot of such, then we can consider automated editing or even editing. Gerhard "Prefers Clarity Over Font Choice" Paseman, 2019.01.30. — Gerhard Paseman Jan 30 '19 at 15:57
Joseph, what ballpark figure are we talking about? If it's really a lot of posts, maybe you can make a specific request for this to be automated if possible? — Asaf Karagila ♦ Mar 12 '17 at 6:22

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