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This looks like a spam account, but I didn't see any way to flag it on the profile page:
The Ranch Treatment Centers, Wrightsville, PA
1 1
One thing is the question whether it is really necessary to flag such accounts. A bit of discussion around that was here: Flagging spam user.
As far as I can tell, mods often leave even accounts that actually posted spam posts untouched, they would have a lot of work to erase all similar accounts. You can just check accounts containing insutrance, rental, loan or other buzzwords which might indicate spam to see that there is plenty of such accounts.
Anyway, if you want to flag a user profile, you can find some advice in some posts on Meta Stack Exchange: Flag abusive users and How should I flag a user account if it has no posts to flag?
Here is a related posts on Mathematics Meta: How to flag names?
I don't recall whether something similar was discussed on MathOverflow Meta.
@ToddTrimble Probably the moderators are in the best position to respond to Igor Khavkine 's question raised above.
BTW this is unrelated to editing, so if it's a better place, these messages can be moved to the main chatroom. (This can be done by a room owner or by a mod.)
But if your prefer them to be left here, I do not object either.
Q: Flagging spam user

LSpiceI just noticed an "Autobiographer" badge awarded to this unusually named user: https://mathoverflow.net/users/117744 . I immediately moved to flag this obviously spam account, only to realise that you could only flag questions, not users. Is it the community perspective that such accounts, wit...

A: Flagging spam user

Todd TrimbleI'm happy to hear what the community thinks, but my instinctual reaction would be to destroy it. The account has no business here and the page is meanwhile free billboard space: not something I think should be condoned.

Tim Campion asked about the same thing some time ago: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/9369/conversation/…

About spam flags (and spam users)

Jun 5 '19 at 4:25, 8 days total – 79 messages, 4 users, 2 stars

Bookmarked Jun 16 '19 at 4:42 by Martin Sleziak

3 hours later…
@S.Carnahan Or maybe you would be willing to respond to Igor Khavkine's inquiry. (Maybe he flagged something in the meantime, but I thought that is some moderators are round, some of them might be willing to comment here.)
Related to this - since occasionally people ask about this (like today, or the question asked by Tim Campion linked above), perhaps it would be useful to have Q&A pari on meta on this. Something along the lines: How to flag a user profile? (How to flag a user who has not posts?)
Or is it sufficient to direct users asking about this to Meta Stack Exchange and other metas - as I did above: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/53343818#53343818 ?
4 hours later…
@IgorKhavkine I've pinged some of the mods, hoping they might have some advice on this - but so far neither of them responded.
I don't have a better advice that the one in the linked post:
> Otherwise, you can flag a semi-related post (the question that had the now-deleted answer), or a completely unrelated one (such as one of your own posts).
As I said above, I am not really sure whether flagging this is really necessary. (I linked to examples of other similar accounts.)
@MartinSleziak Thanks. The account has been removed.
1 hour later…
@MartinSleziak and @ToddTrimble, thanks for the quick action and the additional info!

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