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Q: Extreme points of convex compact sets

Fedor PetrovPreparing to a lecture on Krein--Milman theorem I read in W. Rudin's Functional analysis textbook (1973) that it is unknown whether any convex compact set in any topological vector space has an extreme point. Is it still unknown?

9 hours later…
This question is currently in HNQ: Is there a closed non-smoothable 4-manifold with zero Euler characteristic? It has no top-level tag. (And probably also the tag is a good fit and should be added. But I've mentioned the question here mainly because I am not sure which top-level tag would be suitable.)
Q: Is there a closed non-smoothable 4-manifold with zero Euler characteristic?

CihanI will just repeat the title: Is there a closed non-smoothable 4-manifold with zero Euler characteristic? I am guessing yes simply based on other existence theorems I have seen for 4-manifolds.

Looking at the question, perhaps might be a suitable tag. (Probably better than .)
Would perhaps be a good top-level tag for this question?

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