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5:58 PM

Wondering if anyone know/worked with position of elements/character?

I'm trying to know the smallest notation/algorithm or method to save the position of very specific character or element in a string/file.
So far i tried a couple things like :
- hamming distance and similar algorithm (not precise enough and i don't care about the content of each of the position, just their actual position)
- BCD/binary where 1 represent the position of the element or character in a string/file that i want to save, and 0 everything else.
Now I'm kinda out of ideas since i need something that use less data to represent/smaller notation to represent what i mentioned above
the BCD idea is the one that use the less amount of data to mark/save the position of specific things but it still take 15% of the original data size in some cases, even if it's converted to say Hexadecimal or something else...

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