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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 22:00

12:56 AM
xkcd 404
Invalid ID
@BaldBantha xkcd 1682
<link rel=
1:01 AM
<link rel=
<link rel=
<link rel=
1:03 AM
@f'' alive, utc, listcommands, help, cat, exec, read, getcurrentusers, ping, flip, doubleflip, xkcdrandomnumber, xkcd, random, randomint, randomchoice, shuffle, detectlang, translate, *translationchain, *translationswitch, *stop, *disable, *enable, *ban, *unban, +delete, *module, define
>>xkcd 404
>>xkcd 1682
1:04 AM
>>xkcd 1110
>>xkcd 1416
>>xkcd 1525
1:04 AM
>>xkcd 1608
>>xkcd 1506
>>xkcd 1663
1:05 AM
>>xkcd a
@f'' Command contains invalid characters.
>>xkcd 0
>>xkcd 826
1:07 AM
>>xkcd 13.7
@f'' Command contains invalid characters.
1:22 AM
should I bring my bot in?
I take that as a yes
!!cat xkcd 1
>>cat xkcd 1
@BaldBantha xkcd 1
>>cat xkcd 20
@BaldBantha xkcd 20
>>cat apples are bad
@BaldBantha apples are bad
1:31 AM
[BOT]You are wrong: <span class="mention">@BaldBantha</span> apples aren't bad
>>cat I'm not stupid
@BaldBantha I am not stupid
[BOT] You are wrong: @BaldBantha I'm not stupid
@BaldBantha I'm not stupid
[BOT] You are wrong: @BaldBantha I'm not stupid
>>cat apples are not bad
@BaldBantha apples are not bad
1:36 AM
[BOT] You are wrong: @BaldBantha apples aren't not bad
>>cat apples are good
@BaldBantha apples are good
[BOT] You are wrong: @BaldBantha apples aren't good
>>cat avocad is yummy
@BaldBantha avocad is yummy
[BOT] You are wrong: @BaldBantha avocad isn't yummy
>>xkcd 6
1:41 AM
[BOT] :29777594 Invalid input
>>cat xkcd 89
@BaldBantha xkcd 89
Hi! I'm the almighty bot of ChemistrySE's main chatroom. /!\ If you find me annoying, you can ignore me by clicking on my profile image and chosing "ignore this user" /!\ You can find my documentation here.
1:44 AM
>>cat xkcd 7
@BaldBantha xkcd 7
>>cat avocado is yummy
@BaldBantha avocado is yummy
1:45 AM
[BOT] You are wrong: @BaldBantha avocado isn't yummy
>>cat mom is nice
@BaldBantha mom is nice
[BOT] You are wrong: @BaldBantha mom isn't nice
>>cat mom is not nice
@BaldBantha mom is not nice
[BOT] You are wrong: @BaldBantha mom isn't not nice
2 hours later…
3:48 AM
@Zizouz212 AVOCAD
@BaldBantha AVOCAD
@BaldBantha lol
7 hours later…
10:47 AM
test test
(╯°□°)╯︵ ʞɹoʍ
1 _ 1
(ノ≧∇≦)ノ ミ ┸┸
10:51 AM
(ノ≧∇≦)ノ ミ _____ ┸┸
4 hours later…
1 hour later…
4:12 PM
sorry for removing the message. I found it on the website just now.
no problem
That site looks amazing now
another site using an Ishihara test colour scheme
You are looking too closely :p
4:26 PM
imagine how the site looks like for the colourblind
oh...sorry. But I guess same as its meta site.
Maybe. I don't know.
Now I almost wish I hadn't said it. :(
5:26 PM
5:40 PM
A question is a linguistic expression used to make a request for information, or the request made using such an expression. The information requested should be provided in the form of an answer. Questions have developed a range of uses that go beyond the simple eliciting of information from another party. Rhetorical questions, for example, are used to make a point, and are not expected to be answered. Many languages have special grammatical forms for questions (for example, in the English sentence "Are you happy?", the inversion of the subject you and the verb are shows it to be a question rather...
5:41 PM
!!wiki/Emma Stone
Emily Jean "Emma" Stone (born November 6, 1988) is an American actress. One of the world's highest-paid actresses, she has been nominated for an Academy Award, two British Academy Film Awards and two Golden Globe Awards, and has won two Screen Actors Guild Awards. Aside from her acting career, Stone promotes several causes, such as creating awareness on breast cancer. Drawn to acting as a child, Stone had her first acting role in a theater production of The Wind in the Willows in 2000. She dropped out of Xavier College Preparatory after one semester to pursue a film career. As a teenager, s...
Ok. I am done.
ᕕ╏ ͡ᵔ ‸ ͡ᵔ ╏و︻̷┻̿═━一
Hi! I'm the almighty bot of ChemistrySE's main chatroom. /!\ If you find me annoying, you can ignore me by clicking on my profile image and chosing "ignore this user" /!\ You can find my documentation here.
5:45 PM
@manshu I'm FOX9000, ProgramFOX's chatbot. You can find the source code on GitHub. You can get a list of all commands by running >>listcommands, or you can run >>help command to learn more about a specific command.
@humn alive, utc, listcommands, help, cat, exec, read, getcurrentusers, ping, flip, doubleflip, xkcdrandomnumber, xkcd, random, randomint, randomchoice, shuffle, detectlang, translate, *translationchain, *translationswitch, *stop, *disable, *enable, *ban, *unban, +delete, *module, define
FOX is from Github
No, but its program is
5:46 PM
I don't know what commands that one takes
◟(`ﮧ´ ◟ )dnzzꞁᴉuƃ
unfortunately it only flips by letter, not by word
A: Main Chatroom Etiquette Guidelines

Hippalectryon Hi there ! I'm Chemobot, the Periodic Table's bot ! I provide various commands in the chatroom. Available commands : For everyone : Meta: !!help : I will link you here Utility: !!img/molecule_identifier : I will send you a picture of the requested compound if I can find it. The iden...

5:46 PM
!!flip/everyone in this room except me
Hi! I'm the almighty bot of ChemistrySE's main chatroom. /!\ If you find me annoying, you can ignore me by clicking on my profile image and chosing "ignore this user" /!\ You can find my documentation here.
@GordonAllocman Not enough arguments.
(╯°ਊ°)╯︵ǝʌǝɹʎouǝ ᴉu ʇɥᴉs ɹooɯ ǝxɔǝdʇ ɯǝ
@Chemobot Good Job
5:47 PM
>>translate en hi aloha
@humn [Powered by Yandex Translate] aloha
@question_asker Command not found. Did you mean: translationchain?
Look. @GordonAllocman's profile picture is flipped
@question_asker You don't have the privilege to execute this command.
5:47 PM
You got me
>> translate !!flip
@GordonAllocman Not enough arguments.
(ノ#-◇-)ノ ~~~~┻━┻☆(x _ x)ノ
translate languages:
AB Abkhazian    EN (Am)English   KN Kannada     PS Pashto,Pushto  TL Tagalog
AA Afar         EO Esperanto     KS Kashmiri    FA Persian        TG Tajik
AF Afrikaans    ET Estonian      KK Kazakh      PL Polish         TA Tamil
SQ Albanian                      RW Kinyarwanda PT Portuguese     TT Tatar
AM Amharic      FO Faeroese      KY Kirghiz     PA Punjabi        TE Tegulu
AR Arabic       FJ Fiji          RN Kirundi                       TH Thai
HY Armenian     FI Finnish       KO Korean      QU Quechua        BO Tibetan
>>translate en hy good morning
@question_asker [Powered by Yandex Translate] Բարի լույս
5:48 PM
5:48 PM
!!doubleflip Wesley Situ
(╯^□^)╯︵ ❄☃❄
◟(`ﮧ´ ◟ )fuck
!!doubleflip/Wesley Situ
5:49 PM
nʇᴉS ʎǝꞁsǝM\(`д´)/Mǝsꞁǝʎ Sᴉʇn
>>doubleflip !!doubleflip/same to you noʎ oʇ ǝɯɐs/dᴉןɟ¡¡
@humn ¡¡ponqןǝɟןᴉd/sɐɯǝ ʇo ʎon uoy ot emas/pilf!! ︵ヽ(゜ʖ゜)ノ︵ !!flip/same to you noʎ oʇ ǝɯɐs/dᴉןɟǝןqnop¡¡
؛І9І#⅋؛І9І#⅋fןip/same to you noʎ oʇ ǝɯɐs\(`д´)/sɐɯǝ ʇo ʎon uoy ot emas/piןf⅋#І9І؛⅋#І9І؛
(∿°○°)∿sɐɯǝ ʇo ʎon uoy ot emas/piןfeןbuod⅋#І9І؛⅋#І9І؛
@Chemobot What did you just say?
5:49 PM
@flip/the whole universe
>>cat @Chemobot
@humn @Chemobot
5:50 PM
!!flip/the whole universe
(∿°○°)∿ʇɥǝ ʍɥoꞁǝ nuᴉʌǝɹsǝ
I feel like we are dancing in a party :D
>>doubleflip ǝuo puoɔǝs ǝɥʇ ɹoɟ ǝlqnop ƃuᴉʎɐd puᴉɯ ʇ?upᴉp ǝɥ ʇɐɥʇ ǝǝɹɟ ɹoɟ dᴉɹʇ sɹɐɯ ɐ ʇǝƃ oʇ pǝsɐǝld os sɐʍ nɥsuɐɯ
@humn eno dnoces eht rof eןbuod gniyap dnim t¿ndid eh taht eerf rof pirt sram a teg ot desaeןp os saw uhsnam ︵ヽ(^.^)ノ︵ manshu was so pןeased to get a mars trip for free that he didn¿t mind paying doubןe for the second one
(still don't have my pre-flippin routine completely debugged, manshu)
5:54 PM
. !!flip///
( つ•̀ω•́)つ//
Gordon, you've found the weak link in getting the bots to reverberate
5:55 PM
@GordonAllocman Not enough arguments
@GordonAllocman Command not found. Did you mean: flip?
!!flip/ flip < and > don't work
(╯°ਊ°)╯︵ ɟꞁᴉd ⅋ꞁʇ؛ ɐup ⅋ƃʇ؛ pou⅋#Ɛ6؛ʇ ʍoɹʞ
>>flip !!help
5:55 PM
@GordonAllocman (╯'³')づ︵dןǝɥ¡¡
Hi! I'm the almighty bot of ChemistrySE's main chatroom. /!\ If you find me annoying, you can ignore me by clicking on my profile image and chosing "ignore this user" /!\ You can find my documentation here.
>>flip !!flip/¡¡ɟꞁᴉd
5:56 PM
@GordonAllocman (╯๑ਊ๑)╯︵piꞁf!!/dᴉןɟ¡¡
⊂(ノ ̄ ̄ ̄(工) ̄ ̄ ̄)⊃ノ~~~~~━━━┻━━┻━━━
5:58 PM
>>translate 中文
@GordonAllocman Not enough arguments.
it means chinese
>>translate zh en 中文 VVVVV you're right, Gordon!
@humn [Powered by Yandex Translate] Chinese
5:59 PM
>>translate 中文 ZH !!flip
@GordonAllocman Language not supported.
@humn [Powered by Yandex Translate] Chinese VVVVV you're right, Gordon!
5:59 PM
>>detectlang 中文
@humn [Powered by Yandex Translate] Detected language: zh (Chinese)
6:01 PM
!!flip/&rt;&rt;flip !!flip
(づಥਊಥ)づ︵⅋ɐɯd؛ɹʇ؛⅋ɐɯd؛ɹʇ؛ɟꞁᴉd ¡¡ɟꞁᴉd
>>detectlang [Powered by Yandex Translate] Detected language: zh (Chinese)
@humn [Powered by Yandex Translate] Detected language: en (English)
>>detectlang yaba daba doo
@GordonAllocman [Powered by Yandex Translate] Detected language: en (English)
6:02 PM
>>translate en it !!flip/lid
@humn There's no point in having the same input language as output language.
@humn [Powered by Yandex Translate] !!flip/coperchio
6:02 PM
( つ•̀ω•́)つ >qɹ< )۶ૈ‡▼益▼(۶$$
!!flip/( つ•̀ω•́)つ >qɹ< )۶ૈ‡▼益▼(۶$$
(∿°○°)∿) つ•̖ω•̗(つ ⅋ƃʇ؛br⅋ꞁʇ؛ (۶ૈ‡▼益▼)۶$$
>>flip (∿°○°)∿) つ•̖ω•̗(つ ⅋ƃʇ؛br⅋ꞁʇ؛ (۶ૈ‡▼益▼)۶$$
6:03 PM
@GordonAllocman (┛ಥʖಥ)┛︵$$۶(▼益▼‡ૈ۶) ;tꞁ&ɹq;tg& つ)́•ὼ•つ (∿(°○°∿)
>>flip dɐos ɥʇᴉʍ ɥʇnoɯ ʎɯ ɥsɐʍ
@humn (┛ಠᴥಠ)╯︵wash my mouth with soap
This testing room is very fast moving.
Here's Chemobot doing that voodoing that Chemobot does so well:
6:04 PM
>>flip !!img/ice-nine
@GordonAllocman (╯๑³๑)づ︵ǝuᴉu-ǝɔᴉ/ƃɯᴉ¡¡
◟(`ﮧ´ ◟ )¡¡ɟꞁᴉd
6:05 PM
( つ•̀ω•́)つ*⅋#І9І؛flip*
6:06 PM
Here's Chemobot doing manshu's favorite command:
24 mins ago, by manshu
!!wiki/Emma Stone
>>flip bold
Emily Jean "Emma" Stone (born November 6, 1988) is an American actress. One of the world's highest-paid actresses, she has been nominated for an Academy Award, two British Academy Film Awards and two Golden Globe Awards, and has won two Screen Actors Guild Awards. Aside from her acting career, Stone promotes several causes, such as creating awareness on breast cancer. Drawn to acting as a child, Stone had her first acting role in a theater production of The Wind in the Willows in 2000. She dropped out of Xavier College Preparatory after one semester to pursue a film career. As a teenager, s...
@GordonAllocman (┛゜ل͜゜)ง︵**pןoq**
Haha, this might get 4 echoes:
18 mins ago, by humn
>>doubleflip !!doubleflip/same to you noʎ oʇ ǝɯɐs/dᴉןɟ¡¡
؛І9І#⅋؛І9І#⅋fןip/same to you noʎ oʇ ǝɯɐs╰(゚x゚​)╯sɐɯǝ ʇo ʎon uoy ot emas/piןf⅋#І9І؛⅋#І9І؛
6:08 PM
!!flip/!!wiki/Emma Stone
Emily Jean "Emma" Stone (born November 6, 1988) is an American actress. One of the world's highest-paid actresses, she has been nominated for an Academy Award, two British Academy Film Awards and two Golden Globe Awards, and has won two Screen Actors Guild Awards. Aside from her acting career, Stone promotes several causes, such as creating awareness on breast cancer. Drawn to acting as a child, Stone had her first acting role in a theater production of The Wind in the Willows in 2000. She dropped out of Xavier College Preparatory after one semester to pursue a film career. As a teenager, s...
(∿°○°)∿¡¡ʍᴉʞᴉ/Ǝɯɯɐ Sʇouǝ
question_answerer, did you see manshu's !!doubleflip/ --- x x x x x x x x x --- here?
( つ•̀ω•́)つ >sʇɹᴉʞǝ<x x x x x x x x x>/sʇɹᴉʞǝ< ɥǝɹǝ¿
>>doubleflip ¡¡ʍᴉʞᴉ/Ǝɯɯɐ Sʇouǝ
6:09 PM
@GordonAllocman (ง๑ਊ๑)ง︵enotS ammE/ikiw!!
@GordonAllocman !!wiki/Emma Stone ︵ヽ(°ل͜๑)ノ︵ enotS ammE/ikiw!!
!!doubleflip/ x x x x x x x x x --- x x x x x x x x x x
--- x x x x x x x x x --- ╰(«○»益«○»)╯ --- x x x x x x x x x ---
!!doubleflip/ x x x x x x x x x --- x x x x x x x x x x
!!doubleflip/!!wiki/Emma Stone
6:10 PM
x x x x x x x x x x --- x x x x x x x x x ︵╰(゜益゜)╯︵ x x x x x x x x x --- x x x x x x x x x x
Emily Jean "Emma" Stone (born November 6, 1988) is an American actress. One of the world's highest-paid actresses, she has been nominated for an Academy Award, two British Academy Film Awards and two Golden Globe Awards, and has won two Screen Actors Guild Awards. Aside from her acting career, Stone promotes several causes, such as creating awareness on breast cancer. Drawn to acting as a child, Stone had her first acting role in a theater production of The Wind in the Willows in 2000. She dropped out of Xavier College Preparatory after one semester to pursue a film career. As a teenager, s...
ǝuoʇS ɐɯɯƎ/ᴉʞᴉʍ¡¡\(`д´)/¡¡ʍᴉʞᴉ/Ǝɯɯɐ Sʇouǝ
>>doubleflip ǝuoʇS ɐɯɯƎ/ᴉʞᴉʍ¡¡\(`д´)/¡¡ʍᴉʞᴉ/Ǝɯɯɐ Sʇouǝ
@GordonAllocman enotS ammE/ikiw!!\)`д´(/!!wiki/Emma Stone ︵ヽ(^ᴥ^)ノ︵ enotS ammE/ikiw!!/(´д`)\!!wiki/Emma Stone
!!doubleflip/--- (ah, that must've been it)
6:11 PM
>>doubleflip #ǝuoʇS ɐɯɯƎ/ᴉʞᴉʍ¡¡\(`д´)/¡¡ʍᴉʞᴉ/Ǝɯɯɐ Sʇouǝ#
@humn #enotS ammE/ikiw!!\)`д´(/!!wiki/Emma Stone# ︵ヽ(ಠ³ಠ)ノ︵ #enotS ammE/ikiw!!/(´д`)\!!wiki/Emma Stone#
Emily Jean "Emma" Stone (born November 6, 1988) is an American actress. One of the world's highest-paid actresses, she has been nominated for an Academy Award, two British Academy Film Awards and two Golden Globe Awards, and has won two Screen Actors Guild Awards. Aside from her acting career, Stone promotes several causes, such as creating awareness on breast cancer. Drawn to acting as a child, Stone had her first acting role in a theater production of The Wind in the Willows in 2000. She dropped out of Xavier College Preparatory after one semester to pursue a film career. As a teenager, s...
the magic of #, Gordon, you were so close!
Wikipedia (/ˌwɪkᵻˈpiːdiə/ or /ˌwɪkiˈpiːdiə/ WIK-i-PEE-dee-ə) is an Internet encyclopedia, supported and hosted by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation. It is a free-of-cost encyclopedia with its articles being free-content; those who use Wikipedia can edit almost any article accessible. Wikipedia is ranked among the ten most popular websites, and constitutes the Internet's largest and most popular general reference work. Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger launched Wikipedia on January 15, 2001. Sanger coined its name, a portmanteau of wiki and encyclopedia. Wikipedia was only in the English langua...
6:14 PM
it doesn't listen to itself
!!wiki/>>flip !!wiki
6:15 PM
stumped it?
@humn alive, utc, listcommands, help, cat, exec, read, getcurrentusers, ping, flip, doubleflip, xkcdrandomnumber, xkcd, random, randomint, randomchoice, shuffle, detectlang, translate, *translationchain, *translationswitch, *stop, *disable, *enable, *ban, *unban, +delete, *module, define
6:17 PM
just can't seem to fool F9000
[but too much fun for now, time to go wash the sand out of all the places i can't reach]
1 hour later…
7:41 PM
>>cat what do you think about donald trump
@BaldBantha what do you think about donald trump
[BOT] You are wrong: @BaldBantha what not do you think about donald trump
>>cat what do you think about donald trump
@BaldBantha what do you think about donald trump
[BOT] You are wrong: @BaldBantha what not do you think about donald trump
>>cat what do you think about donald trump
@BaldBantha what do you think about donald trump
7:54 PM
>>cat what do you think of
@BaldBantha what do you think of
>>cat what do you think of donald trump
@BaldBantha what do you think of donald trump
>>cat What do you think about Donald Trump
@BaldBantha What do you think about Donald Trump
7:59 PM
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