We have an ongoing issue (arduino.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2681/…) getting questions closed because we don't have enough users with high enough rep. I would think encouraging new users to participate is a good thing.
By all means propose questions on the Meta site about what we should and should not tolerate. I certainly agree that some questions are just beginners' programming questions. However the Arduino is targetted at beginners. I'm not sure how you reconcile that.
It may be true that many of the newcomers will never contribute anything worthwhile to the site, but there are almost certainly some who might - if given the right encouragement.
@Paul See <http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/?id=11428> - there seems to be a school of thought that RS485 (obviously not Ethernet per se) needs a ground as well as the balanced lines. I'm not sure about Ethernet. It's a good question.
@Paul I haven't had any problems with it. Put it this way: On the Arduino Uno is a resonator not a crystal. It is part number CSCTE16MOV53-R0 from the schematic. Look that up and it is a "CSTCE Series 16 MHz 3.2 x 1.3 x 0.9 mm 15 pF Built-in Capacitor SMT Resonator". The huge 16 MHz crystal you see on the Uno is for the Atmega16U2 USB interface, not the Atmega328P.
@Paul - you deleted your question, but I think it was pretty valid. I don't see a problem with editing a post and adding extra references. The only objection would be if you changed the intent of the post. For example, if you edited one of my posts where I said goto was bad and changed it to goto is good.