Discussion on answer by tchrist: Why is 11 am + 1 hour == 12:00 pm?

Discussion on answer by tchrist: Why

Imported from a comment discussion on https://ell.stackexchange.com/questions/152603/why-is-11-am-1-hour-1200-pm/152729#152729
2597d ago – kwah

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Jan 14, 2018 16:29
I wonder where he saw "12:00 p.m." written.
Jan 12, 2018 20:58
I would say that noon is an infinite small instant at the very moment between 11:59:59.999999~ and 12:00:00.000000~, but clearly the "time guys" at the NIST don't agree. I don't think that the question "what is the duration of noon?" can be easily answered.
Jan 12, 2018 20:58
I was one day early to a "midnight release" event because I understood midnight to be the very start of that day, but the even was actually at the end of the day. I now see many "midnight release" events with a time of 11:59PM to avoid confusion and it makes me happy when I see that.