Discussion on question by Alexei: What are the benefits for the US in declaring Jerusalem as Israel's capital?

Discussion on question by Alexei: Wha

Imported from a comment discussion on https://politics.stackexchange.com/questions/26657/what-are-the-benefits-for-the-us-in-declaring-jerusalem-as-israels-capital
2636d ago – Restioson

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Dec 8, 2017 17:16
@blip - this seems an important decision that is not made by Trump as a private individual. From outside, the US has recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital and it clearly has political dimension and I expect to also have consequences at political level. It is not a simple political declaration, but an actual political act.
Dec 8, 2017 17:16
@blip Trump doesn't run the entire US and create every decision on his own with no influences. Or is that what you think? Because that's a really foolish reason to vote to close a question.
Dec 8, 2017 17:16
@blip I'm not a trump supporter at all. But he didn't ban transgenders. He just didn't want to pay for the transhormone therapy. I don't think there's anything wrong with transgenders in the military. I agree with the decision to not pass that cost on to the taxpayers. Blip, maybe you've been confused by #fakenews?
Dec 8, 2017 17:16
@blip - You mean he makes decisions by undoing executive orders by Obama that he believed were unconstitutional to begin with? He can do that with no input whatsoever. The Supreme Court has consistently upheld by pretty much unanimous decision that his travel bans are legal. Just because there's activist judges who don't believe in the law that keep trying to block him doesn't mean he's wrong. There's nothing wrong with posting ideas straight to the american public and gauging reaction, it is actually quite a nice change from the secrecy we just finished dealing with....
Dec 8, 2017 17:16
...his press staff is not having to explain things after-the-fact, they have to correct the lies and misrepresentations of the fake-news media. It is only convoluted if you accept that the media is representing the story in an accurate and truthful manner. They've exposed themselves to be incapable of doing so this last year.