Discussion on answer by techraf: When choosing a numeric PIN, does it help or hurt to make each digit unique?

Discussion on answer by techraf: When

Imported from a comment discussion on https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/155606/when-choosing-a-numeric-pin-does-it-help-or-hurt-to-make-each-digit-unique/155608#155608
2878d ago – Tgr

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Apr 7, 2017 22:29
@macraf you are confusing the probability distribution used by OP to choose a password with the frequency distribution of actual passwords (most of which have been chosen non-randomly).
Apr 5, 2017 11:11
@Josef second, perhaps, after 1234. Because half the population has IQ below average (by definition), and because one's best chance of guessing a PIN is to assume that the card's owner is from the stupid end of the distribution.
Apr 5, 2017 11:11
@DavidRicherby well that's a view for sure, my feeling is that the question is asking about the user's security. I feel it's possible to answer the question focusing on the user's security and pointing out that entropy is not likely to be the main determinant factor, which is why I felt an answer focusing on that aspect and not the security aspect wasn't a good approach.