Commutative algebra

commutative algebra discussions
2709d ago – Xam

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Jul 19, 2017 17:04
Hope this chatroom doesn't disappear
Jul 20, 2017 20:55
nah this one will live forever :P
May 26, 2017 20:21
The trick to producing these kinds of counterexamples is to keep $U$ disjoint from $U^*$. If they have any elements in common then on one side of the isomorphism, the image of each $u$ goes to a unit, but on the other side, one of them goes to zero; that's what gets you the zero ring.
May 26, 2017 20:19
Instead, if $U$ is a multiplicatively closed set, then $U^*=\{v\in R: uv=0\}$ is an ideal, and $R[U^{-1}] \cong (R/U^*)[\pi(U)]$, where $\pi$ is the quotient map.
May 19, 2017 20:58
you're never around :P
May 7, 2017 07:20
62 days so far :P
May 5, 2017 03:11
Atlas of Lie Groups and Representations
Cantor’s Attic
Cohomology Charts
Complexity Zoo
Database of Ring Theory
FindStat (combinatorics)
Mathematical Counterexamples (many subjects)
Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences
Table of Knot Invariants
π-Base (topology)
May 5, 2017 03:02
Integral domain for the weekend: condensed domain