PPCG Podcast

For discussion about the PPCG Podcast
2566d ago – Martin Ender

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Nov 12, 2016 00:43
@Qwerp-Derp Official thing is here: soundcloud.com/t19b
Nov 12, 2016 01:10
Companies don't need to have thousands of employees to have CEOs
Jan 6, 2018 14:54
I've created a Google Group for the podcast, so we can better organize via Google Calendar and such: groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/ppcg-podcast
Jan 5, 2018 04:42
@DJMcMayhem "This week's podcast is brought to you by Intel, supplying hackers with your root password for 20 years! Additionally, if you wish to listen to this podcast at full speed, be sure to purchase the add-on package from your ISP, because we can't afford to pay for prioritized data."
Nov 12, 2016 01:22
I want him to narrate my dreams
Jan 17, 2018 05:31
Q: Introducing the PPCG Podcast!

MegoA long time ago, in a chat room far, far away, there was an idea proposed for a PPCG Podcast, featuring members of the site talking about PPCG- and programming-related things. Due to time issues, the podcast project never really got off the ground. Recently, I took it upon myself to revive the p...

Nov 12, 2016 01:06
@AlexA. We want to capture the "idiot-sounding" portion of speech, lol
Jan 19, 2018 13:52
Episode 0 is being uploaded to YouTube: youtu.be/IAEO1h5Y05c
Jan 12, 2018 01:36
PPCG Podcast happening in 25 minutes (2 AM UTC)! Featuring myself, @Doorknob, @DJMcMayhem, and Nick Clifford! discord.gg/H2hR2X
Jan 2, 2018 01:40
PPCG is proud to introduce the first asynchronous podcast! :P
Dec 31, 2017 18:57
Nov 19, 2016 16:47
Here's the processed test audio from @Doorknob, Alex, James and Riker: clyp.it/t3jmmcc2
Nov 12, 2016 16:48
Again, this room is for discussing the podcast and nothing else. Please refrain from returning here if you just want to post something off-topic.
Nov 12, 2016 02:05
Script? Why would you want a script?
Nov 12, 2016 02:02
Keep in mind that this is not exclusively about PPCG, but rather programming related topics in general. It isn't clear yet who will be in the cast at all, since there are more people interested than the maximum number of people we estimate.