Just sharing a piece of good news that I've secured another year of website sponsorship from Akamai (previously Linode). approach0.xyz will stay alive for another year.
One possibility is to have a chat room devoted to searching for likely dupes. But it may not get much use since many users are motivated by the SE rep game and they get no rep for locating dupes but plenty of rep for posting fgtiw dupe answers. — Bill DubuqueOct 12 at 22:19
@BillDubuque There already exists a chatroom related to searching - I assume it could be suitable for this purpose, too? (Although looking at that room, one can see that it is not very active.) — Martin Sleziakyesterday
@MartinR it is, I have got used to receiving notice here about the server. But as I am now having a full-time job during week days, I can only check this room in my spare time, otherwise I cannot fix server issues responsively even if I noticed the problem. Unfortunately this site is not my first priority right now.
@WeiZhong Is this chatroom the preferred way to notify you of an Approach0 server problem? Or should we create an issue on the GitHub project? Or something else?
Given an infinite subset $S$ of $\Bbb{N}$ and any polynomial $f\in K[t]$, does there always exist a polynomial $g\in K[t]$ such that if $fg=\sum_{i\geq0}a_it^i$ then $a_i=0 \forall i\not\in S$
Given an infinite subset $S$ of $\Bbb{N}$ and any polynomial $f\in K[t]$, does there always exist a polynomial $g\in K[t]$ such that the coefficients of $fg$ are in $S$? Has this question been asked before?
It seems that the SearchOnMath changed from "some results are hidden for non-subscribers" to "all results are hidden for non-subscribers". At least that's my impression based on a few searches that I've done recently.
@Sil Hey, preliminary results (shown on a draft task paper) show our team from approach0 obtains the best formula retrieval results in the CLEF-ARQMath 2021 Task! I am glad to tell everyone in this room.
It would be nice if the filter for site (e.g. site:math.stackexchange.com) was somehow quickly available/visible to the user, otherwise I am afraid that current users will not know about it
btw. I've implemented a few things recently, including: (1) \exact modifier for matching exact symbol(s) (2) field search, so you can specify searching field e.g., title, body or tags (3) being able to add AND or NOT specifiers on keyword(s) to filter things; (4) what comes for free is you can limit the source using modifier site:math.stackexchange.com.
Announcement: Because we are using approach0 to attend a math search competition, and to the best of my team interests, approach0 will resume service after May 12.
Is there a (possibly soft) question that would list mathematical papers with interesting/funny names? I found one very interesting today so I would like to add it anywhere at least closely related
On the MathJax demo page, entering a < b results in $a<b$. This is consistent with MathJax documentation.
On Mathematics.SE the behavior is different: $a < b$. This becomes a problem when one copies formulas from a comment into an answer, as mentioned here. In the HTML source of comments, <...
On several recent occasions, after closing a question as a possible duplicate the automatic banner breaks the $\LaTeX$ requiring manual intervening.
I don't recall it was like that before, and I suppose that something was changed in the way the system fetches the question's title. It does not br...
My Github sponsor account is just approved, here is my sponsor page: github.com/sponsors/t-k- Note that you may need to register a Gihub account to pay any amount. Also, Github sponsorship accepts paypal and credit cards, however, be aware that it is monthly subscription.
@WeiZhong Thanks much for implementing the ability to restrict searches to Math.SE. This will make Approach0 much more useful for those of us who seek to better organize Math.SE (which is absolutely essential for its continued success).
I just discovered that in the result page of an Approach0 query, one can click on a tag below a search result, and this tag will be added to the query with "AND tag:xxx". That is a useful feature to restrict a query quickly. Perhaps it is well-known, but I discovered it by accident.
If you haven't tried Approach Zero for a while, try it now! Currently it has the biggest index (around 2 millions posts) and fastest retrieval time ever (more search workers and a very recent technical improvement). I cannot believe I have made it more efficient than ever, enjoy searching!
@Sil I think I cannot resist to put the new UI up (and I just did it). I will try out other color schemes later. Please forgive the colorful page for a while...
@WeiZhong Thank you (once again) for your incredible work on Approach0. It is an invaluable tool to find related Q&As on Math Stack Exchange, so that they can be linked together, cleaning up the site a little bit.
Also I have created issue on github that serves as a feature request for adding filter by source (AoPS/MSE/...) github.com/approach0/search-engine/issues/29 . Not saying there will be anyone to implement this, but still I think this is an important feature not to be forgotten.
@WeiZhong You probably already know about this but there is this project which contains abstracts and reviews of lots of math papers and they seem to be open to indexing and stuff, they even have some sort of their own formula search: zbmath.org/formulae
Okay nevermind, I have found what caused the issue, apparently it was this commit github.com/approach0/a0-crawlers/commit/…, if you recall thats the PR we were critical of :D I will make one line PR to fix this...
@MartinSleziak I use search on math too and I saw their message that they were going to charge soon. And when they did introduce the subscription, I noted difference in the search results I got because I didn't have subscription.
@MartinSleziak SearchOnMath now charges US$ 4.49 per month for a private subscription (searchonmath.com/terms-of-use). Without that, many search results are hidden.