Ineligible nominations

Discussion about the removal of moderator nominations relevant to the 2016 Physics moderator election
3065d ago – John Duffield

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Sep 27, 2016 19:45
@barrycarter Can you not make this a "me-vs.-them" issue? It isn't.
Sep 27, 2016 19:28
Q: Let's disallow nominations from people who've been suspended in the past year

Shog9Well, it's election season again. On sites all over the network, moderators are being selected from among the good folk willing to volunteer their time to help guide and support their communities. I'm proud to be part of a system that governs itself in this manner; for all of its inherent messine...

Sep 27, 2016 19:50
Here comes the censorship of the censorship.
Sep 27, 2016 18:39
Happy to see you run, but please do take this at least somewhat seriously.
Sep 27, 2016 19:48
@HDE226868 But the suspension was for arguing against aggressive moderation.
Sep 27, 2016 19:34
@Marcel The beatings will continue until morale improves
Sep 27, 2016 19:30
@barrycarter that is speculation. We must not let ourselves fall into the habit of only seeing ulterior motives and believing what we speculate. That inhibits our ability to maintain an impartial view and makes us more likely to be hostile/bitter
Oct 1, 2016 12:24
LOL, that was the censorship of the censorship of the censorship.
Sep 27, 2016 21:03
@barrycarter : forget about writing to stack exchange. Use your time to put it up on another website somewhere.
Sep 27, 2016 20:31
not for being annoying
Sep 27, 2016 20:18
and folks could believe you, because you'd actually established a history of knowing things and solving problems
Sep 27, 2016 19:59
I can't help but feel like you're more interested in Raging Against The Machine than in fixing it.
Sep 27, 2016 19:52
:32585242 I think it is an important question, well maybe I don't know too many from your visions and ideas, but it seems to me as if you would actively work to cement small circles ruling entire SE sites and working actively to make it hostile.
Sep 27, 2016 19:51
@Shog9 Btw, do your bosses have something to measure your productivity?
Sep 27, 2016 19:49
@barrycarter no it wasn't.
Sep 27, 2016 19:49
@Shog9 OK, for satirically arguing against it.
Sep 27, 2016 19:46
@HDE226868 Well, us-vs-them, and it absolutely is.
Sep 27, 2016 19:46
@HDE226868 : well let's just have another two eliminated, then we can all vote for the candidate of our choice. Isn't that right @shog9?
Sep 27, 2016 19:46
You might've at least finished reading that email before making stuff up...
Sep 27, 2016 19:44
@barrycarter : and so this rather interesting event, which had energised physics stack exchange, turns to... sour.
Sep 27, 2016 19:42
@barrycarter : OK noted. The moot point here, is that a moderator who isn't dealing adequately with abusive posters etc, can simply suspend the poster who complains in order to eliminate the competition.
Sep 27, 2016 19:36
"it has been our past experience that such a record tends to be a
distraction during elections while it remains in recent memory, distracting
others from the candidate's other qualifications and depriving other
candidates of much-needed scrutiny during this critical period. " -- sounds like bullshit to me.
Sep 27, 2016 19:34
@barrycarter "Unless someone can raise a credible objection to this, I plan to start implementing this immediately: the next time someone nominates themselves after having been suspended on any Stack Exchange Q&A site during the past year, we'll quietly withdraw their nomination and send them a message to let them know why. "
Sep 27, 2016 19:32
This site's structures and opinions are seriously troubling
Sep 27, 2016 19:28
"You can't vote in this election because you protested against the current President"
Sep 27, 2016 19:24
@Jim Because I was suspended in the previous year (for complaining about abusive moderation as it turns out).
Sep 27, 2016 19:21
That's what I call a guided democratic election ^^
Sep 27, 2016 19:16
I mean, in the sense that, if I was responsible for the health dept. in your city, I wouldn't get to say whether you served Indian or Greek food in your restaurant... But if I saw you taking a squat over a patron's table, it would be my responsibility to shut you down.
Sep 27, 2016 19:15
@Marcel sure.
Sep 27, 2016 19:12
@Shog9 And you are to judge what is usefull in that particular case?
Sep 27, 2016 19:10
How you decide to do that, how best you decide to approach it, that's your call... But if you're gonna step up, you can't shirk your responsibility and then pretend it was some meta commentary that should surely be recognized and protected.
Sep 27, 2016 19:09
Uh, yeah. That's kinda my point. If you're gonna nominate, it's your responsibility to... y'know... do something useful. Not waste everyone's time.
Sep 27, 2016 19:08
@Shog9 That should have been my responsibility how I would achieved that, shouldn't it?
Sep 27, 2016 19:05
@Shog9 The whole point of my nomination was to show the obscurity the average active member puts into his/her seriousness in defending a certain policy. Just scroll through this chat or the nomination comments and see how radical most parties fight for their standpoint. However it seems that I somewhat achieved what I wanted, when I even get denominated, showing that "not being in line" is a reason for exclusion
Sep 27, 2016 18:43
@Marcel .... He's Shog9
Sep 27, 2016 18:42
@Shog9 That's the point of an opposition in a democratic election right? Making others think ... I don't think I would have been elected but who are you to interfere with a democratic process?
Sep 27, 2016 18:30
"democratic elections" :D
Sep 27, 2016 18:26
lol, I got denominated