How would you deal with a user who produced a steady stream of valuable answers, but tends to generate a large number of arguments/flags from comments?
I am concerned that this forum will become a substitute for other forums that are software specific. What should be done to ensure that the questions and/or answers are platform independent and/or highlight advantages or disadvantages between them?
A diamond will be attached to everything you say and have said in the past, including questions, answers and comments. Everything you will do will be seen under a different light. How do you feel about that?
I'll be posting a "digest" version of this chat to Meta -- it got a little crazy and I need a bit of time to sort through the replies, so expect that to appear tomorrow morning.
@scw would you favor the existence of a "bug" tag? @whuber The vendors are often so secretive about bugs, it is difficult to find workarounds quickly when they are encountered.