Mobile app for remote sensing and photogrammetry

Mobile app for remote sensing and pho

a room to express your readiness to help in provoding an interesting content for advertising mobile app of the proposal
3108d ago – sepideh

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Jul 17, 2016 09:21
If there's any problem with the accent,...., here's the transcription
Jul 17, 2016 09:19
Would you please share it with the name "How to create a Q&A site for remote sensing and photogrammetry in stackexchange network"?
Jul 17, 2016 09:18
a video about the proposal as I have spoken about in this discussion
Jul 5, 2016 08:13
Jul 3, 2016 17:33
Jul 3, 2016 17:14
I'm going to invite top users of the tags remote sensing in,, just to inform them about the existence of such proposal. I hope that it wouldn't be considered a spam. You can follow the proposal if you like it and discuss about it to make it better
Jun 24, 2016 18:25
I really appreciate if you accept my invitation and help me with your new ideas
Jun 24, 2016 18:24
I've invited 16 experienced users to this room. please don't get offended by my invitation. But I think it's a good idea for the followers of this proposal to be in touch with each other sometimes and help it to get off the ground
Jun 14, 2016 13:33
@Dunk May you have a look at this discussion?
May 29, 2016 07:30
Content of a post in Area51 Discussions has been edited. Please have a look
May 28, 2016 09:54
It would be a good way to encourage inexperienced followers (51 score ones) start using the GIS.SE. That way they will get some experience about stack exchange and it will be helpful in commitment and beta phases
May 27, 2016 08:20
And also please have a look at this discussion and the ones who are already active in GIS.SE, please help me in upvoting the community promotion ad in GIS.SE. Because more votes means more probability to show the ad on the side bar and so more probability for the ad to be seen by someone who is interested and is already an experienced user of stack exchange.
May 26, 2016 22:01
so don't get offended by my action. Just remove yourself from the list of the room's owners or mention me as @sepideh and tell me to remove you from the owner's list. But I really appreciate if you remain as an owner and make some differences in the proposal by your new ideas
May 26, 2016 21:58
If I make someone the owner of this chat room it's just for invitation and to make the new followers aware about the existence of such a room.
May 20, 2016 10:55
Here is a room to express your readiness to help in provoding an interesting content for advertising mobile app of the proposa remote sensing and photogrammetry based on the duscussion: planning to publish an app on Google Play and Apple Store to advertize the proposal!