Russian Language and Usage

Main Chat Room for Russian Language and Usage
163d ago – pompey1969

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Mar 16, 2022 06:32
It's a good idea to revive the chat. Do people know about it?
Mar 8, 2022 20:56
I happened across a comment mentioning that this chat room was frozen, so I've unfrozen it. If it needs to be unfrozen again, let one of the site mods know in another chat room (if needed), or make a meta post to ask the mods to unfreeze the room.
Jun 13, 2012 21:28
Congratulation, guys! I've been waiting for so long for this site to begin operating, glad this has finally happened. I hope it will grow big and becomes the ultimate place to ask the questions about Russian. :)
Jun 19, 2012 10:25
@ArmenTsirunyan — our first member with access to moderator tools (1000 rep). Well deserved. Congrats!
Jul 3, 2012 12:43
Зацените, что я нашел. Умора!

Перед нами стол. На столе стакан и вилка. Что они делают? Стакан стоит, а вилка лежит. Если мы воткнем вилку в столешницу, вилка будет стоять. То есть стоят вертикальные предметы, а лежат горизонтальные? Добавляем на стол тарелку и сковороду. Они вроде горизонтальные, но на столе стоят. Теперь положим тарелку в сковородку. Там она лежит, а ведь на столе стояла. Может быть, стоят предметы готовые к использованию? Нет, вилка–то готова была, когда лежала.

Теперь на стол залезает кошка. Она может стоять, сидеть и лежать. Если в плане стояния и лежания она как–то
Dec 20, 2013 00:44
Я мёрзну! Коченею!
Dec 20, 2013 00:44
Эх, была бы у меня тёплая шапка...
Dec 10, 2014 21:20
When Tim Cook came out as gay, Russia decided to get rid of a statue of Steve Jobs. Homophobic, yes. But why did they have a statue of Steve Jobs in the first place?
Jan 1, 2014 00:21
I really think we should reactivate this chat. Or activate, even.
Jan 17, 2013 17:50
Nov 10, 2012 12:03
Dear old users! We need your help to educate new users, edit, up- and down-vote their answers and questions, flag spam and offensive posts, and so on.

The general idea is to improve the answer, if it has a seed in it, and to ask the user to edit it or upvote other answers if their answer doesn't bring any new information. Pure spam or offensive or thank-you-me-too, or what-a-nice-joke-I-know posts should be flagged and removed. For more information, see this question on meta:… And the last thing: let's be nice to new people (1 rep), make them f
Jul 5, 2012 15:00
Q: Moderator Pro Tempore Nominations

AlenannoWe're about 8 days into Public Beta, so let's start seeing nominations for becoming a moderator. According to the blog post Moderator Pro Tempore and following the 7 Essential Meta Questions of Every Beta, let's see how is a moderator appointed and other important info. If you nominate someone...

Oct 1, 2014 21:00
The English chat is dead.
Sep 30, 2014 09:42
Is it very hard to learn Russian because it uses a different alphabet from English?
Sep 22, 2014 13:58
Привет. А знаете вы, сколько слов надо учиться чтобы понимать старые фильмы как «Бриллиантовая рука» и другие без словаря?
Sep 8, 2014 22:28
Hello there! @shabunc @Alenanno @Quassnoi would you have a look at this when you get a moment?
Aug 28, 2014 03:58
Aug 11, 2014 16:38
@Artemix: I'm sorry I don't agree. In a forum populated by English-speakers and Russian-speakers, it would be the perfect place to ask that question. For example, in my question about "Мели, Емеля" you gave me the English equivalent: "Yeah, right, keep talking." That was exactly what I was looking for. I don't know if you have a "deep understanding" of English - all I care about is that you knew the answer.
Apr 17, 2014 12:50
Indeed, this chat looks abandoned to say the least.
Jan 12, 2014 19:55
I can help you (if it's not too late) =)
Dec 31, 2013 20:42
Всех с праздником!
Dec 31, 2013 20:41
More free hats today!
Aug 7, 2013 12:22
@Alenanno test
Nov 10, 2012 11:57
Q: Russian SE Community FAQ

Alenanno(Under construction!) You may also wish to review the community FAQ for all sites in the StackExchange network. Note: You can add questions to this FAQ. In order to see how, check the bottom of this question. Content About the site How can we promote Russian StackExchange? What is this ...

Jun 21, 2012 22:38
Guys, you're bad :) OK, I agree, my post about the phone service of Vinogradov Institute was off-topic and could be closed. But you should have up-, not down-voted it. The information was interesting and useful. Besides, you were so fast that deleted it before I found time to see your comments outside my email and have a chance to answer. Anyway, like this I at least don't see how much rep I lost on it :D
Jun 20, 2012 19:35
Just wanted to say how impressed I am with the quality of the answers to some tough questions. Great work, gang!