
about and the Virtual Moon Colony project
2041d ago – Hohmannfan

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Feb 24, 2018 15:07
the biological path is quite short in the case, potentially, and bets/win/lose are quite high. I mean if something happens, it's bad, and better to eradicate any possibility for it to happen.
And it does not have that much to have the cycle closed with composting. Composting is good for earth case, and there are options for long cycles easy available.
Nov 17, 2017 18:18
also, I hit some limit of easy stuff, which my congrats about.
>A shuttle needs to launch and expend fuel to catch up to the foot
to prepare the thing as an example, it requires a lot of efforts. I can bet half of my lunch, there are somethings to point out.

Also, some arguments just slip through
>>How can that not line up with a trajectory for a planet, once per orbit?
>>a skyhook orbits around it's primary every few hours. there is a launch opportunity to any planet you choose once per orbit.
Sep 2, 2017 18:34
Aug 30, 2017 14:13
I would personally appreciate it if any images of the different pieces that are available were in the main text of the article. What i do with this stuff is try to create an accurate 3d model of the thing, it's a big help for me to have quick access to the reference images and to quickly show someone else what the final model is based on.
Aug 23, 2017 18:24
@kimholder Another way to manage the tether balance and momentum: dropping stuff. A dummy mass would enter a stable orbit if dropped between altitude 3600km and 6750km. Then they can be caught later.
Aug 20, 2017 22:22
That is kinda like what it is for. Use a velocity range, see what colour gets the right trajectory, narrow down the range.
Aug 16, 2017 21:33
"Some way to create 3D content primarily involving editing text" <---- Please give me this. binary javascript way in the same fashion
Jul 11, 2017 23:20
I try to help my way, to make your vision more intuned with the possible realities, from a technical standpoint of view.
Jun 9, 2017 19:03
The important thing right now is to just get the free dynamics model working, then we can play around with it by inputting control forces.
Jun 6, 2017 15:48
i'm biased, because i'm human...
Jun 5, 2017 23:42
Our new motto: "New rock, same shit"
Jun 1, 2017 20:44
i just want to point out that The Pod Bay is down to 1 person, right now, and that's me. While this room has 3 people.
May 16, 2017 16:34
well, if you don't accept references from a geology textbook, Indiana University, and Wikipedia, i won't argue with you. here is the result of a google search for Bowen's reaction series too.…
May 4, 2017 17:56
bricks from regolith with 3d and solar
Apr 29, 2017 22:59
sudo apt install xclip && cd ~ && echo " " > .spacestorage.hoh;for i in {0..800};do sed -i -e 's/$/\xE2\x80\x8B/' .spacestorage.hoh;done && echo 'echo "$1" > .tmpspace.hoh && cat .spacestorage.hoh .tmpspace.hoh | xclip -selection c' > .spoilerscript.hoh && chmod +x .spoilerscript.hoh && alias spoiler='./.spoilerscript.hoh' && echo 'alias spoiler='"'"'./.spoilerscript.hoh'"'" >> .bashrc
Apr 29, 2017 21:59
There are at least two heat exchangers in between the turbines and the rest. We can have multiple systems.
Apr 19, 2017 21:11
Apr 19, 2017 21:00
Apr 3, 2017 20:48
This is not the age for rest
Mar 21, 2017 21:06
I think that is the best general and intuitive rule regarding orbital motion of any type: Motion is always normal to force.
Mar 21, 2017 08:49
Mar 15, 2017 00:13
the thing i find most annoying about KSP, actually, is that it won't let me do that. i have to actually build a rocket, which doesn't interest me at all.
Mar 9, 2017 20:03
there is something about the renaissance that makes me feel it is natural for trajectory diagrams to be labelled in Italian
Sep 22, 2016 17:36
Aug 18, 2016 14:04
@Hohmannfan have you seen this?? Hop wrote up a well thought out version of a tether in lunar polar orbit!
Aug 17, 2016 19:28
On the other hand, you get something YHNIWYG. (You-have-no-idea-what-you-get).
Aug 6, 2016 18:49
ReferenceError: undefined is not defined
Jul 24, 2016 23:05
My goal: Creating a working walk-around game before the end of this year. I have no idea what I am getting into.
Jul 15, 2016 22:04
And when you say "aluminum foil" you mean the most awesome material in the world.
Jul 15, 2016 21:29
If I have not committed any horrible mistake, the conclusion of the simulation is that your beam design removes about 80% of the radiation.
Jul 15, 2016 20:44
it might even be a good idea to paint areas accordingly
Apr 13, 2016 20:51
Apr 8, 2016 00:35
So, i'm giving each thing that has a 3d model done 'issues' on GitHub. If anyone wants to do a little work on any of that, you could add reference docs to the issues with the Reference Docs labels.
Apr 7, 2016 11:15
Too bad they discovered that planet, Earth was safe until then
Apr 7, 2016 01:32
my new favorite planet
Apr 4, 2016 19:53
i think this project has amazing potential, and i'm still like a chicken with its head cut off, trying to sort it out so that might actually happen.