Room for Jim and Thomas Klimpel

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Jun 4, 2016 19:53
Q: Quasi-polynomial time algorithm for permutation group isomorphism

Thomas KlimpelIs there a known $n^{\alpha \log n+O(1)}$ algorithm for permutation group isomorphism? Here $n$ is the size of the group, and the isomorphism must be a permutational isomorphism. My hope for such an algorithm comes from reading a blog post on the group isomorphism problem and its comments. Becau...

May 2, 2016 11:18
A: Can a triangle free graph represent a Group?

Captain LamaThe thing is that the Cayley graph is not canonical : for a given group $G$, each choice of a generating set will give a different Cayley graph. And every group with at least $3$ elements has a Cayley graph with triangles : if $x\neq y$ in $G$, put $x$, $y$ and $xy^{-1}$ in the generating set, a...

Apr 24, 2016 07:58
A: Graph Isomorphism for Triangle Free graph

Tobias FritzThe following very simple answer addresses worst-case complexity. How to do the reduction in practice would be a different question, as would average complexity (as pointed out by logicute). For a graph $G$, let $\hat{G}$ denote the barycentric subdivision of $G$. This is triangle-free. I claim ...

Mar 20, 2016 22:59
Q: graph isomorphism given a partial isomorphism

DenisIs there an approach to graph isomorphism considering that we are already given a partial isomorphism ? In particular, it would be interesting to have conditions on this partial isomorphism that makes the problem polynomial. This question arises from automata theory, where one approach to testin...

Mar 14, 2016 13:35
Q: Complexity of equitable partitions

Brendan McKayWe are talking about undirected simple graphs and partitions of their vertex sets into disjoint non-empty cells. Such a partition is equitable if for any two vertices $v,w$ in the same cell, and any cell $C$, it holds that $v,w$ have the same number of neighbours in $C$. The trivial partition (w...

Feb 26, 2016 07:04
Q: Complexity of recognizing vertex-transitive graphs

JernejI am not knowledgeable in the area of complexity theory involving groups so I apologize if this is a well known result. Question 1. Let $G$ be a simple undirected graph of order $n$. What is the computational complexity (in terms of $n$) of determining if $G$ is vertex-transitive? Recal...