Title clean-up (Phase 4: Time for Tit

Welcome! This is a room intended for conversations solely for cleaning up problematic titles on ELL. Visit ELL's Cabin for regular conversation.
3428d ago – inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M
This room is frozen.
Public: anyone may enter and talk

Explicit write access

Even when this room is read-only or their reputation is too low, these users will be able to talk in this room. Users with insufficient reputation to chat have been granted write access to this room by a chat moderator.

tchrist ♦

♦ Moderator of English Language & Usage SE and of Portuguese Language SE, longtime Perl and C and Unix hacker, Romance languages guy, and random esoteric trivia buff.


Former CM. she/her


These users may administer this room. Certain actions (like making a room read-only) have additional reputation requirements.


Military Awesome Raccoon. For posterity: ಠ_ಠ