Title clean-up (Phase 4: Time for Tit

Welcome! This is a room intended for conversations solely for cleaning up problematic titles on ELL. Visit ELL's Cabin for regular conversation.
3428d ago – inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M

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Sep 6, 2015 17:44
"Accordingly, what we want is not terms that avoid ambiguity, but terms that clearly reveal the strategic spots at which ambiguities necessarily arise."
Sep 6, 2015 17:02
Four very different sorts of clarification: a) Here's what you need to do to make this question on-topic b) Here's what you need to do to make this question answerable c) Here's an error in your assumptions which may have a bearing on your question. d) Here are some errors in your English which have nothing to do with the question.
Sep 12, 2015 16:24
Dear TCE'ers: I think you should start linking to the title FAQ whenever you see a new question with a bad title from a frequent asker.
Sep 9, 2015 20:06
We're currently in Phase 3: FAQ ready. When the event starts, we'll enter the cleanup phase.
Sep 6, 2015 17:58
Once upon a time, people organized things in files and folders, thus they used directories. When the Internet was still young, some people figured that directories couldn't organize things effectively or efficiently, hence they introduced tags. The trend is clear, we're going to abandon both directories and tags. We're going to organize things by searching the content itself.
Sep 6, 2015 17:13
After all, were the poster a good writer and a good researcher, it is unlikely that they would be here, let alone posting questions with quality issues.
Sep 6, 2015 17:10
> Big stone means you're not gonna throw it.
Sep 6, 2015 15:37
Why do people write "of the sentence below" instead of writing "of this sentence"?
Sep 6, 2015 08:42
We're currently in phase 1. i.e. detecting what are the most common title-writing trends on ELL.
Sep 6, 2015 08:41
Hullo ELLer! We're here to cleanup titles. See English Language Learners Meta for more info. (Search for "question titles", without the quotation marks)
Sep 4, 2015 21:04
Don't ask for a boolean response.
Sep 4, 2015 20:59
> Titles give a first impression of your post. **Good titles** bring positive attention to your question, and you will get it answered sooner; more upvotes will follow etc. **Bad titles** don't allow your question to get the attention it deserves. (Less upvotes, less likelihood of getting an answer etc.) **Very bad titles** might get you lots of attention, but they're not likely to get a positive response from the community. (If not edited soon enough, downvotes will pile up etc.)

Writing a good title is an art. The best titles don't abide by a prescriptive and arbitrary set of rules, but