2015 Workplace Moderator Election

Open Discussion for http://workplace.stackexchange.com/election/3
3488d ago – Jane S

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Aug 4, 2015 20:05
downloaded the program, it says jane S wins
Jul 27, 2015 23:39
user image
Jul 29, 2015 01:35
@smci It sounds to me like you have an axe to grind with moderation on academia.se and may be better off making a meta post over there. These are not "canonical issues" on SE, they are very specific nitpicks that can be fixed by the community easily and don't require moderator attention. If they are so common here, then you can easily find examples and ask about them here or on meta if you think they are so important.
Jul 23, 2015 07:08
I'm surprised more people haven't stepped forward to nominate themselves
Jul 22, 2015 11:38
As you probably saw, I am one of those silly people who has nominated myself for the moderator election :)
Jul 20, 2015 19:37
If you have questions about the election process itself, please ask your question on the Workplace Meta Site. Remember, folks stepping up to lead this community are committing a significant amount of their time, please keep all discourse civil and constructive.
Jul 20, 2015 19:36
Welcome all! This room is intended as a place to converse with candidates, discuss moderator traits, etc. For general discussion related to The Workplace, go here: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/3060/the-water-cooler
Aug 4, 2015 12:07
@JaneS You definitely have at least one!
Jul 29, 2015 21:35
@MonicaCellio I'm GMT+10, and both the others are GMT+0 so that would no doubt help. Plus I get to review all tomorrow's problems before you get here ;)
Jul 29, 2015 08:40
@RoryAlsop I can't remember where I heard the quote, but one I like is "A good leader can tell you to go to hell and make you glad to be on your way." :)
Jul 28, 2015 21:32
You are the one asking the question and, ah, demanding that the candidates go and research questions on an entirely different Stack Exchange site
Jul 28, 2015 21:31
@smci perhaps if you used examples from this site you would get better responses. If you can't find any examples here, that too is informative. (I'm sure we've got some, but the community does actually do a really good job with editing, closing, and reopening as needed.)
Jul 27, 2015 22:25
@smci keep in mind that each community has very different standards and picking questions from here might be a lot more practically relevant
Jul 22, 2015 20:58
I think one awesome thing about Workplace is that questions here have a lot more "life impact" than say Stack Overflow. Most people's lives aren't going to be changed by answering a programming question. But they CAN be by a question here. — enderland ♦ Feb 26 at 17:59
Aug 5, 2015 06:06
Congratulations @JaneS - an awesome percentage! That's a huge vote if confidence for you by the community!
Aug 4, 2015 23:57
Congratulations @JaneS and thanks to @yochannah and @RoryAlsop ffor standing!
Aug 4, 2015 20:07
congrats @JaneS ! its safe to say you had at least one vote
Jul 29, 2015 22:39
@JaneS by the way, if you don't know about it yet, you might be interested in this SE site: communitybuilding.stackexchange.com
Jul 29, 2015 07:26
Hello candidates! How do you feel about the current environment of the workplace? What do you want to change about it?
Jul 28, 2015 16:53
@Malachi On my top one, Security, my answering questions has reduced a wee bit as I've taken on other mod duties. Part of that though is when the site was young I was a very prolific answerer, and now we have a good sized community there, we have a lot of smart folks who provide good answers, so like the other mods there, we often hang back a wee bit - as some people won't answer if they see an answer already there from a high rep user or a mod
Jul 28, 2015 15:48
I guess some assurance for b) can be taken from the fact that of all the sites I either volunteered for, was voted for, or was asked to look after, I have remained committed
Jul 28, 2015 07:28
If you just want a general overview of what the candidates have said on question quality, then I suggest taking a look at their meta profiles. That will tell you what they have said on various situations in the past. As a former mod for this site, my answer to your question as-is would be "I would do nothing. They were handled by the community and are on a separate site I don't actively participate on." And I don't think that's what you're looking for.
Jul 28, 2015 06:28
you don't need to be a mod to participate
Jul 28, 2015 00:34
Nothing says "mad with power" like megalomaniacal speeches in Japanese.
Jul 28, 2015 00:33
Go mad with power.
Jul 27, 2015 23:39
Sponsored by the campaign for a more colorful election.
Jul 27, 2015 20:20
@RoryAlsop @JaneS @yochannah see the above link :)
Jul 27, 2015 20:08
Q: 2015 Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

Grace NoteIn connection with the moderator elections, we are holding a Q&A thread for the candidates. Questions collected from an earlier thread have been compiled into this one, which shall now serve as the space for the candidates to provide their answers. Due to the lack of submission count, we have sel...

Jul 27, 2015 15:18
Everybody else: you've got a few more hours to nominate if you're thinking about it. Thanks to @RoryAlsop, @JaneS, and @yochannah for standing. We've got three candidates with different mixes of experience; should be an interesting election, and even though there's only one seat, I think we'll all benefit from the discussions that'll come from it.
Jul 27, 2015 15:17
@yochannah thank you for joining in!
Jul 26, 2015 15:46
Good on you, @yochannah