PPCG Minecraft Server

Server closed. Files: https://github.com/HelkaHomba/ppcgmc1.9 New server: https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/52643/open-ppcg-minecraft-server
2922d ago – Helka Homba

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Jun 23, 2015 13:45
@Calvin'sHobbies You can ravage my chest if tit helps
Mar 1, 2016 01:01
Feb 29, 2016 22:07
Unless anyone has major objections, the PPCG Minecraft Server will be updated to version 1.9 and completely reset approximately 3 hours from now (at 1am, March 1, 2016, UTC). The old world data will be available to download for local use. If you have objections, tell me now!
Apr 22, 2016 17:31
New official rule (according to poll): People without chat-enabled SE accounts will no longer be whitelisted - i.e. people need to ping me personally with their own MC username to join. This doesn't apply to the couple people currently whitelisted who don't have SE accounts.
Apr 8, 2016 22:19
Apr 1, 2016 01:29
Enderdragon Egg Found!!!
Mar 24, 2016 06:42
Ok, who has the egg now? >:|
Mar 1, 2016 17:47
I'm designating the entire top of the spawn plateau and this section of land (^ marked in temporary cobble) as community land. Everyone is encouraged to help develop it with [auto]farms and roads and such, but personal homes or bases should be outside this area. Everyone can use the stuff in community areas and rebuild/modify them as necessary. If anyone has concerns about this, I'm open to discussion.
Dec 18, 2015 21:45
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Sep 23, 2016 01:20
Admin note: I am no longer interested in managing the PPCG MC server. I'll continue to pay the hosting fee until the money runs out but after that it's ok with me if the server quietly dies or its ownership gets transferred. Ping me if you'd be interested in running it.
Jul 23, 2016 22:38
Thanks to all those who keep the server alive by donating! :D
May 12, 2016 02:03
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Jun 9, 2015 18:26
Our actual seed is 2086293838514630923.
Apr 21, 2016 03:01
Allow non-SE users? <- everyone please take this poll
Apr 9, 2016 13:37
Okay, whoever keeps destroying my stuff and then not fixing it, you need to own up and take care of it, because this is getting unacceptable.
Apr 1, 2016 23:19
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Mar 31, 2016 16:55
@BentNeeHumor Updated Server to 1.9.2
Mar 8, 2016 02:30
in Chat Relay - PPCG Minecraft Server, 18 secs ago, by Chat Relay
<ararslan> You ate half my cake, gave me 800 blocks of netherrack, and filled my house with TNT.
<Phasesaber> you are welcome
Mar 6, 2016 10:35
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Oct 31, 2015 04:54
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Jul 30, 2015 08:33
May 4, 2016 21:07
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Apr 21, 2016 04:40
Killed the wither! :D
Apr 14, 2016 01:49
@TheNumberOne This ain't The Nineteenth Byte, y'know... :P
Apr 7, 2016 23:10
The future location of the Nether Hub has been moved to better accommodate the Nether Spawn. Area near the immediate Nether Spawn (marked with cobble at the corners) will be inside the Nether Hub. Major terraforming will take place to produce an area for the hub. You will eventually be able to branch tunnels off of the hub to build rails to your areas.
Apr 5, 2016 15:20
100 deaths.
Apr 2, 2016 06:25
By the way everyone, south of spawn mountain, there's a super tall tower. It has both a slime block elevator and a minecart ladder. It goes up to the build limit and you can fly reeeaaaallllyyyy far from there. :D
Mar 26, 2016 17:52
Guys, do we really need to build huge stone structures high in the sky above spawn? I find them rather an eyesore. (Building things far away from spawn and community land is perfectly fine.)
Mar 13, 2016 19:30
If any turf wars are breaking out, just make sure its between people who want to participate ;)
Feb 29, 2016 23:54
Poll to confirm lab rat race as the new seed: strawpoll.me/6959800
Feb 29, 2016 17:20
@epicTCK @EasterlyIrk @El'endiaStarman @Eridan @AquaTart @Sam How would you guys feel if we restarted the world from scratch for 1.9? Just testing the waters here - I'm not doing this unless it has OVERWHELMING support. I'd make all the current world files downloadable somewhere so anyone could still play it locally if they wanted.
Feb 1, 2016 01:13
The Sleep mod idle feature should be re-enabled. So people afk for 30+ seconds shouldn't need to sleep.
Jan 28, 2016 00:07
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Nov 9, 2015 05:09
Before and after screenshots of spawn:
Oct 23, 2015 03:14
Ok. Anyone can download a zip of the stuff @PhiNotPi sent me at ppcgmc.herokuapp.com/stuff.zip
Jul 30, 2015 16:43
I will rename a fully upgraded diamond sword "Baconator" and destroy them all. It will have Fire-whatever on it so that they drop cooked pork.
Jun 24, 2015 17:53
Folks should check out Pietu's BukkitMarkdown plugin. If it looks desirable and free of errors, I'll install it and get rid of the currently installed FancyText.
Jun 14, 2015 07:55
Here are some screenshots for people who aren't playing or haven't been on in a few days:
[Looking down over the main valley from the mountain behind my house.](https://i.sstatic.net/VAAk1.jpg)
[Iron golem farm in front. Village is behind.](https://i.sstatic.net/YiB74.jpg)
[Testificate village.](https://i.sstatic.net/Wig2i.jpg)
[Phi's plateau from around where BrainSteel lives.](https://i.sstatic.net/3io94.jpg)
[Rainbolts house and massive wheat field.](https://i.sstatic.net/ZmQ6S.jpg)
May 12, 2016 02:17
@HelkaHomba Looks like we have to wait for November to get a REAL PPCG logo in the sky
Apr 29, 2016 00:59
+100 to whoever put the "The Wading Room" sign in Phase's zombie xp farm. :P
Apr 28, 2016 19:41
Anyone up for a terraforming event later today, to dig out spawn mountain? Say 4 hours 20 min from now at UTC midnight?
Apr 4, 2016 00:34
3 hours ago, by A Nerd - I
6 hours ago, by A Nerd - I
in Chat Relay - PPCG Minecraft Server, Mar 21 at 18:49, by Chat Relay
Carnivous left the game.
Apr 3, 2016 21:10
6 hours ago, by A Nerd - I
in Chat Relay - PPCG Minecraft Server, Mar 21 at 18:49, by Chat Relay
Carnivous left the game.
Mar 28, 2016 04:32
^ Flat spawn!
Mar 28, 2016 04:31
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Mar 26, 2016 18:04
I am the pacifist in MC.
Mar 26, 2016 05:13
I should learn to read
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