Discussion for Evolution of "Hello Wo

This is a chatroom for discussion over the Evolution of "Hello World" question: http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/40376/9498
3759d ago – Beta Decay

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Oct 30, 2014 13:21
Junk DNA, it's how evolution works.
Oct 29, 2014 11:05
Links to proposals for this type of contest for posterity: Tetration (abandoned), Regex, Leave your mark, Blob (abandoned).
Oct 27, 2014 15:07
A quine version of this challenge would be good.
Oct 27, 2014 14:09
I quite like this new challenge type. It also helps people learn obscure languages - for my answer in K, I just went through [this list on Wikipedia](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_programming_languages) and picked out interesting-sounding languages until I found one that worked. Code-golf also makes you learn obscure languages, but only short ones (J, GolfScript, CJam).

We could probably do with a better winning criterion than "most answers" - it's not that bad but I'm sure there are more interesting possibilities out there.
Nov 1, 2014 11:36
@HostileFork The whole point of this chatroom is to discuss the question, not have philosophical conversations with yourself.
Oct 29, 2014 08:31
A: Answer-dependent questions

Martin BüttnerI would really like to make this challenge type work. (Full disclosure: partly because I seem to have come up with with a fairly popular challenge idea based on it.) But I do see a lot of problems. Answers on SE have no inherent order, and forcing one onto them just feels odd. In the case of a ...

Oct 29, 2014 07:34
Q: ASCII's 95 Characters...95 Movie Quotes

Calvin's HobbiesIn 2005 the American Film Institute (AFI) produced a list of the top 100 quotes in American cinema (official). This code snippet compactly lists them exactly as they must be used in this challenge. <!-- Hit "Run code snippet", ignore the code. --><ol style='font-family:monospace;'><li>"Frank...

Oct 28, 2014 13:33
How about, no time limit, but you can't answer if you've answered in the previous 5? So if you do #3, you can't go again until #9.
Oct 27, 2014 14:10
This might be a good resource.