@Gryphon No no no, just look at it logically. While it is in the box the cat is both alive and dead. You're just collapsing the wave function wrong and the cat is coming out both alive and dead, AKA a zombie.
And Amazon ads follow you forever. Listen Amazon, I just ordered a blender from you. I do not need to see blenders on every website I go to for the next few months.
@RedactedRedacted listen. I don't know how serious you are being with some of the questions/answers/comments you put up on here. But many of the people do, indeed, take this hobby seriously. They enjoy doing this stuff and enjoy helping others. So if someone drops by that just seems to roll for the giggles, people will eventually get upset. If you're trolling, then fine, there's the door (marked with a friendly x) - show yourself out and go bother someone else.
Eh. Alot of people want to rake politicians over the coals for doing things for the sake of politics. Prioritizing the purity testing BS over practicality and compromise seems...like a large part of the reason we are where we are.
You say that the runes are volatile when applied to organic matter, what does that mean in practice? If I place a rune on something does it blow up immediately or slowly fade out over a year? Do you need to just create the shape of a rune for it to work, or is there something extra that is needed to turn it from a shape, to something imbued with power?
You haven't really given us much to go on in terms of what can and cannot be done via magic in your setting. You've provided some flavor surrounding it, runes give you a programmatic interface for interacting with magic. But you don't describe the boundaries, and limitations.
This isn't a function of your magic system per-se. It's a function of what you've already prepped the readers to expect. You can do this explicitly by info dumping, the rules of magic onto them, and hope that their interpretation of what is and isn't permitted matches your own, when spells that apply those rules are used. Or you could show instead of tell, and demonstrate someone's powers earlier in the story, or have the magic mentioned in conversation.
@AndyD273 Rush is a terrible human that spouts hate to get ratings. Whether he is ACTUALLY racist, sexist, etc. doesn't really matter to me. And if someone wants to listen to long form Rush for context go for it...but I am not wasting time looking for that.
Latvian Girl Say, “I Want Go America One Day.” Father say, “I send you America.” Daughter is thank father. Make tears of happy. Father use to salt potato. Father think moment, say, “Daughter, I no send you America.” Potato needed more salt.