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7d ago – Monty Wild
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Aug 10, 2017 20:43
Adventurers. They ain't right in the head. But when the kingdom needs savin', they're the best we've got.
May 22, 2019 15:35
@James "The Wrong Chat" would be a fairly good name for this one if it didn't already have a name.
Oct 10, 2016 18:12
@DaaaahWhoosh Yeah, show me someone that is truly selfless, and I'll ask them for $20
May 1, 2019 21:31
I gotta run. Time to go smash glowing hot metal.
Apr 16, 2019 17:16
"You decide to walk to work... and you rolled a 1... you stepped on a nail... you rolled a 1 again... and you have blood poisoning and died."
Apr 15, 2019 16:20
@NexTerren This is how humanity gets taken over by robots. Its not because we tried to play god, its because we were lazy.
Apr 2, 2019 13:01
@Gryphon No no no, just look at it logically. While it is in the box the cat is both alive and dead. You're just collapsing the wave function wrong and the cat is coming out both alive and dead, AKA a zombie.
Apr 17, 2018 17:21
And Amazon ads follow you forever. Listen Amazon, I just ordered a blender from you. I do not need to see blenders on every website I go to for the next few months.
May 28, 2017 20:53
@RedactedRedacted Yes, roughly 7,5 billion people are still alive.
Mar 28, 2019 20:36
@AndyD273 Pedantic would be my middle name, if my middle name wasn't something else.
Mar 27, 2019 16:20
@NexTerren All the time [citation needed]
May 25, 2017 21:02
A limerick is carefully versed
The second line rhymes with the first
The third is short
The fourth the same sort
And the last line is usually worst.
Apr 5, 2018 19:08
I think I have a problem with Lunar colonies. I keep thinking of new ways to destroy them.
Mar 18, 2019 13:54
It does. One of said reactions is go boom.
May 10, 2017 19:54
@NexTerren It's latin right? Poly = many + Ticks = bloodsucking insects
May 10, 2017 19:12
@kingledion @Green The trick is to give the wine to the Germans, and they push the tanks
May 9, 2017 11:44
@RedactedRedacted listen. I don't know how serious you are being with some of the questions/answers/comments you put up on here. But many of the people do, indeed, take this hobby seriously. They enjoy doing this stuff and enjoy helping others. So if someone drops by that just seems to roll for the giggles, people will eventually get upset. If you're trolling, then fine, there's the door (marked with a friendly x) - show yourself out and go bother someone else.
Mar 13, 2019 18:34
@Mephistopheles Fire breathing sheep. I approve.
Feb 28, 2019 21:35
@Gryphon The words "microaggressions" and "white privilege" are two of my trigger words.
Apr 20, 2017 16:26
@DaaaahWhoosh Let
Apr 20, 2017 16:26
Apr 20, 2017 16:26
Apr 20, 2017 16:26
Apr 20, 2017 16:26
Apr 20, 2017 16:26
Mar 12, 2020 14:49
Eh. Alot of people want to rake politicians over the coals for doing things for the sake of politics. Prioritizing the purity testing BS over practicality and compromise a large part of the reason we are where we are.
Apr 10, 2017 16:34
user image
Oct 23, 2014 05:30
Congratulations @TimB, @MonicaCellio, and @MichaelKjörling! We're happy to have you as moderators!
Feb 22, 2018 15:20
@Green Agreed...I mean, how do you even eat lettuce without bacon on top?!?
Sep 30, 2022 23:03
I think you'll find that writing compelling action scenes has little to do with your worldbuilding but how you present the conflict to the audience.
Feb 6, 2019 19:32
"I'll try my birthdate... nope. how about all zeros. oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap..."
Sep 29, 2022 23:34
You say that the runes are volatile when applied to organic matter, what does that mean in practice? If I place a rune on something does it blow up immediately or slowly fade out over a year? Do you need to just create the shape of a rune for it to work, or is there something extra that is needed to turn it from a shape, to something imbued with power?
Sep 29, 2022 23:27
You haven't really given us much to go on in terms of what can and cannot be done via magic in your setting. You've provided some flavor surrounding it, runes give you a programmatic interface for interacting with magic. But you don't describe the boundaries, and limitations.
Sep 29, 2022 23:24
This isn't a function of your magic system per-se. It's a function of what you've already prepped the readers to expect. You can do this explicitly by info dumping, the rules of magic onto them, and hope that their interpretation of what is and isn't permitted matches your own, when spells that apply those rules are used. Or you could show instead of tell, and demonstrate someone's powers earlier in the story, or have the magic mentioned in conversation.
Sep 29, 2022 15:52
I'm a fan of 'the chat must flow, and if it needs another room later, we can move it' :D
Feb 6, 2018 16:31
"They say the first sentence is the most important, so I wrote and rewrote it. Eventually I'll get to the second sentence."
Sep 17, 2014 13:09
Although we're seeding a beta, that doesn't mean we should force out questions just for the sake of having more questions.
Jan 24, 2019 16:29
I identify as "far-center."
Jan 23, 2019 19:13
@NexTerren Quick someone hand me a baby to dangle over a cliffside!
Sep 24, 2022 08:14
Feb 7, 2020 20:15
@AndyD273 Rush is a terrible human that spouts hate to get ratings. Whether he is ACTUALLY racist, sexist, etc. doesn't really matter to me. And if someone wants to listen to long form Rush for context go for it...but I am not wasting time looking for that.
Jan 17, 2018 16:07
@FutureHistorian Friends don't link friends to mobile wikipedia! And I have heard of the plan
Jan 16, 2018 17:49
And remember, million-to-one chances succeed nine times out of ten.
Jan 16, 2018 17:08
I have a spaceship that my story requires is nuked. I write a scene where it is nuked.
Jan 16, 2018 16:54
user image
Jan 16, 2018 16:29
Put in scientific explanation and people will look for holes in it. Leave it out and people will accept what happens.
Jan 11, 2018 17:33
don't make me James my drink
Jan 11, 2018 15:24
@FutureHistorian I have no idea what you are talking about. (Like most of the time.)
Feb 7, 2017 20:05
Everyone saw that it's election time? Yes? See here:
Jan 3, 2019 19:40
Latvian Girl Say, “I Want Go America One Day.”
Father say, “I send you America.”
Daughter is thank father. Make tears of happy. Father use to salt potato.
Father think moment, say, “Daughter, I no send you America.”
Potato needed more salt.
1 2 3 4 5 90