This past Friday, September 27th, Monica Cellio was removed from her position as a moderator without warning by Stack Overflow, Inc. She had been a moderator on Worldbuilding, Mi Yodeya, The Workplace, Beer Wine & Spirits, and Meta Stack Exchange, as well as a prominent member of communities acro...
@sphennings You see, you're missing something here: @James, Steward of WB, Crusher of Dreams, Lord of The Factory Floor, First of his name is, well, @James, Steward of WB, Crusher of Dreams, Lord of The Factory Floor and First of his name and has powers that even us stewards-in-training can only dream of
You still alive @Green? Are you using the last of your flickering cell phone power to talk to us while you slowly freeze to death next to a fire made from all your furniture?
@Green Yeah see the diamond would still conduct the heat into the legos and the'y still melt. @NexTerren is right the only reasonable answer is a lego made of solid diamond.
@WorldbuildingMeta "And of all the places I've visited, or participated in, this stack has been probably the most inhospitable and unaccountable online environment I've seen so far." This is one of the friendliest SE sites I use... O.o
@James One time a friends kid was running through a crowded area with a lot of potentially breakable things. As she went past I told her to stop running in an off hand way. She looks back at me, sticks out her tongue, and slammed into the wall at speed, then fell on her butt. It still warms my heart.
I'm stepping out now. Try to keep things civil everyone, ok? There are a lot of strong feelings around the current US election, but let's remember (a) the primary purpose of the room and (b) that SE is worldwide.
So since it always be strictly worse than doing nothing. It's not interesting in any practical sense. Hence rules abuse and artistic expression being the only areas where things of this nature work.
For those of you who weren't already away, Winchell Chung, the author of the website Atomic Rockets, is suffering from metastatic cancer and the prognosis is poor.
@HDE226868 You're welcome. My daughter woke me up at 4:30 this morning, so you got that post while she sat on the floor in the basement and made monster noises.