Discussion on answer by Mike Sangrey: If Jesus is the Creator in Col 1:16, then why does Col 1:18 say that he "becomes preeminent" if he, as the Creator and God, is already preeminent?

Discussion on answer by Mike Sangrey: If Jesus is the Creator in Col 1:16, then why does Col 1:18 say that he "becomes preeminent" if he, as the Creator and God, is already preeminent?

Biblical Hermeneutics

Imported from a comment discussion on https://hermeneutics.stackexchange.com/questions/95513/if-jesus-is-the-creator-in-col-116-then-why-does-col-118-say-that-he-becomes/95517#95517

biblical-theology christology colossians
first message2024-06-16
last message236 days ago
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