Discussion on question by Andresch Serj: Making my company more appealing to a more diverse group of people (LGBTQIA+, BIPoC)

Discussion on question by Andresch Se

Imported from a comment discussion on https://workplace.stackexchange.com/questions/191860/making-my-company-more-appealing-to-a-more-diverse-group-of-people-lgbtqia-bi
613d ago – Andresch Serj

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Jun 14, 2023 20:38
To add to that - here is the Acid test that I encourage everyone to use: Replace the words 'Straight, white man' with say 'Jew' - if what you've written sounds horrendous, then you - my friend - have some horrible beliefs. On the flipside - replace the word BiPoC with 'White' and see if you sound like a southern democrat from the 1950s - same line applies. Trying to fight discrimination with discrimination is a zero-sum game and it never ends well. We should not be promoting these poisonous ideas.
Jun 14, 2023 20:38
@AndreschSerj: this is a great goal but don't be too hard on yourself either. In my engineering freshman class (many years ago) we were 300+ males and 2 females. It's impossible to hire gender parity in my job and experience level. In my sons engineering freshman class (at MIT) there were more females than males. So things ARE getting more diverse but it takes time to work its way through the generational system. Set realistic goals and celebrate the ones you achieve.
Jun 14, 2023 20:38
Bringing gender/sexuality or anything that can be seen as political into the hiring process is just asking for trouble. And at the very least you'd also be chasing away people who don't want to disclose these things to coworkers and their employer. It's none of your business.
Jun 14, 2023 20:38
As someone who looks like a cis-het white male but isn't actually and is kinda quiet about it most of the time, I applaud the initiative, and if I had people at my company putting in the effort, I'd be happy and my colleagues might even find out I'm queer :)