Discussion on question by David Gudeman: Does anti-creationism make certain possibilities impossible for science to discover?

Discussion on question by David Gudem

Imported from a comment discussion on https://philosophy.stackexchange.com/questions/99488/does-anti-creationism-make-certain-possibilities-impossible-for-science-to-disco
640d ago – Futilitarian

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May 26, 2023 09:34
This is ridiculous. Creationism is discarded and ridiculed nowadays because it fails to provide any evidence for its claims. It's fair to say that if it had any valuable evidence whatsoever they would manage to impose its views. This question is actually taking the current, reasonnable situation (people claiming to do science without evidence are ridiculed), put up a fantasy hypothesis (but what if we found evidence?), and complain about the idea that in this fantasy world creationists would be oppressed. Persecution complex, oppression olympics and victimization at its finest.
May 26, 2023 09:34
The question can be read as something like, 'Does a hysterical, institutionally biased, reactionary response to a proposition make it less likely that a proposition will be properly considered and make it more likely that contradictory evidence be missed or disregarded?'. The answer is clearly yes, but without evidence that this is actually occurring, it is difficult to address any such claims in relation to ASL.