Discussion on answer by Kilisi: How to answer questions in survey for job application such as "do I have any bad habits" or "have I ever lied"?

Discussion on answer by Kilisi: How t

Imported from a comment discussion on https://workplace.stackexchange.com/questions/171976/how-to-answer-questions-in-survey-for-job-application-such-as-do-i-have-any-bad/171978#171978
1391d ago – Old_Lamplighter

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Apr 29, 2021 20:51
@Old_Lamplighter - I agree it's an asinine questionnaire, but I don't see any connection to being "woke" (which is related to social awareness, not punctuality).
Apr 29, 2021 20:51
@Old_Lamplighter Crediting success to more than hard work is just acknowledging reality lmao
Apr 29, 2021 20:51
@LaconicDroid according to "critical race theory", crediting success to hard work, is "toxic whiteness", and goes against the "be less white" programs out there
Apr 29, 2021 20:51
@LaconicDroid since I'm in a few "protected classes" myself, I constantly get people trying to rope me into this nonsense. It's really more insulting than people getting into your face over your "immutable traits" or whatever they're calling it this week. What it really is is "condescending compassion". I could be wrong and will admit to a bit of confirmation bias on my part, but I see it often enough to know it's a thing.
May 1, 2021 15:51
And as if on cue: the endless rant about the evils of "wokeness".
Apr 30, 2021 19:47
@user76284 Yep. There is something seriously wrong with people who feel that victimhood is something to be proud of, it's something to overcome.
Apr 30, 2021 13:54
@Old_Lamplighter I'm a regular visitor of this SE and others. I occasionally comment or answer. I didn't come in "just to snark". And yes, I saw that part, it only makes your suggestion that anyone has the luxury to forgo potential employment because it might be a "bad fit" all the more incongruous.
Apr 30, 2021 09:35
@Old_Lamplighter do you not see the irony of you saying that while discounting the situation of people who can't afford to turn down a job?
Apr 29, 2021 20:51
You beat me to it. It's a "wokeness" survey, and a damn good indication that they won't be the type of company to work for.
Apr 29, 2021 20:51
@Walfrat substitute the word "luck" with "privilege" and that's what they're looking for.
Apr 29, 2021 20:51
@BernhardBarker Oh, he answered the question, quite effectively too. stupid questions like these are a clear sign of what kind of nonsense awaits if you join such an organization.
Apr 29, 2021 20:51
@BernhardBarker anyone can argue edge cases, but doing so is not helpful in the least. But to answer your question, I was in that position, I took the job, and they were so crazy, I had a stroke, ended up getting divorced and was homeless for a while. So, personally, I'd say yes. Would you advise someone to take the job that I took?