The Hangar

General discussion about The white zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in the red zone.
23d ago – Federico
Rory Alsop: 224d ago, 118 posts (0%)ratchet freak: 1684d ago, 2424 posts (2%)

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May 9, 2014 18:32
I'm the person who always calls bullshit on Concorde and Space Shuttle "facts" which people spew out.
May 8, 2014 20:04
@JasonLowenthal Blessed +13 shoes of traction - enables flight attendant to remain standing in severe turbulence.
Nov 18, 2016 23:24
so I'm basically holding out for an STC that says "The lift transducer and AoA display is better. You can install it in place of the 1960s microswitch and light."
Apr 24, 2014 16:42
4) ...
5) Profit!!
Nov 11, 2016 19:15
@voretaq7 That's pretty sensible and forward thinking, which makes me think it probably is unlikely to happen.
Dec 3, 2019 16:18
Drones and Model Aviation

Proposed Q&A site for experienced flyers, pilots and builders of drones and model aircrafts.

Currently in definition.

Apr 2, 2014 05:32
no one will believe us that there were unicorns.
Mar 28, 2014 18:58
Aviation Diet: "Don't eat that cheesecake! We'll never get this little Cessna 152 off the ground!"
Mar 27, 2014 04:06
I was deadheading out of houston one day and the lady behind me kept looking out the window and remarking to her husband "thats an awfully big lake, I didnt know we had one, do you know its name?"... "the gulf of mexico"
Oct 25, 2016 16:15
2016 still sucks: Bob Hoover died
Oct 18, 2016 15:06
user image
Mar 16, 2014 16:49
4,800 visitors according to area 51. what i'm finding healthy is that we're turning up quite far up on google when i search in incognito mode :)
Mar 15, 2014 23:23
"clearly circuit breakers are a security risk and should not be allowed on aircraft!"
Mar 15, 2014 16:05
Yay, we're popular enough now that the review / flaq queues are actually meaningful.
Mar 14, 2014 17:16
@ratchetfreak "Once" :-)
Mar 14, 2014 16:51
My only speculation is that the Bermuda Triangle took a short vacation to S. East Asia this year.
Mar 13, 2014 20:44
I had one doc that said my BP was a bit high and a good way to get it down was sex (exercise!) and told me to use the flight attendants. I informed him 80% of our were either elderly or male and his response was a flat dry tone "son, exercise isn't always what you want to do or fun, but you need to do it anyway"
Mar 13, 2014 20:32
@voretaq7 Nono, it's runway 10, we're just using roman numerals
Mar 13, 2014 08:08
wow, 2200 visits according to area 51.
Mar 12, 2014 19:49
The conclusion is that guy got to fly a 709 ride to keep his certs and instead demonstrated a runway incursion and taxi back to parking
Mar 12, 2014 14:58
The romance of being an airline pilot wears off quickly once you are actually flying the line
Oct 13, 2016 17:42
@ymb1 Reclining?
Mar 8, 2014 00:48
I think the FAA logic must go something like this: we'll classify aircraft by how they produce vertical lift. Lighter than air, great! Hmmm... this thing has rotors, how about "rotary-wing"? Okay, an airplane has wings, we'll call them "winged-aircraft". So, does that rotary-wing a subset of winged? Um, no, that's probably not right, how about fixed-wing? Okay, now, gyroplanes. What the fuck is that? I'm done, just call them whatever the hell you want.
Mar 8, 2014 00:39
> Helicopter: (noun) A rotating mass of metal fatigue, surrounded by an oil leak, in search of a zip code in which to have an NTSB investigation.
Mar 6, 2014 11:38
@egid gotta say, that gets my vote for single coolest piece of info on the site so far :)
Mar 6, 2014 06:07
posted on March 06, 2014 by John Ewing

Studious instrument pilots read, assimilate, and they ask questions that can be difficult to answer. A recent discussion about why the FAA depicts Computer Navigation Fixes (CNF) on instrument approach procedures is a good example. After the usual spiel, "CNFs aren't to be used for flight planning and will never be referred to by ATC or included in a clearance ..." the pilot responded that he u

Feb 27, 2014 22:50
@roe he's a Server Fault moderator, of course he knows how to rant.
Feb 23, 2014 09:52
user image
Feb 18, 2014 20:44
I want to submit a patch to Airbus so when a pilot is overriding by the law logic the computer will say in a very HAL-9000 voice "I can't let you do that"
Sep 26, 2016 09:16
@DanHulme You're British, isn't rain the status quo? ;)
Sep 20, 2016 20:18
@JayCarr To be fair I think most GA pilots would prefer to be at podunk uncontrolled strips in class E airspace and never speak to another human being :)
Sep 19, 2016 20:44
You could still link a comment to the image. It wouldn't have the same effect as showing inline, but we hate fun : ( sorry
Jan 31, 2014 21:22
TheThingThatGetsDataFromTheServer ? Really?
Jan 27, 2014 18:52
my first real LOL of the week…
Jan 16, 2014 22:34
@TimPost I accept my mod nomination! Otto to the rescue!! Who'll be the first to be randomly banned? :D
Jan 16, 2014 20:13
Jan 16, 2014 12:57
@voretaq7 @egid @lnafziger Congratulations :)
Jan 16, 2014 04:28
There's strong talk about hiring Otto - we'd save a fortune on airfare if we just bought a plane and hired a pilot. And since we're so diverse, the opportunity to hire a pilot made out of plastic is just irresistible.
Jan 15, 2014 20:40
got to go... it's my birthday. going getting pissed! seeya
Jan 15, 2014 16:46
I just went out on my balcony, flapped my arms really fast and nothing happened. What am I doing wrong?
Jan 13, 2014 18:17
trying to promote Aviation.SE at Flightaware:…
Jan 12, 2014 12:44
Time to get my first log entry of 2014 out of the way.. wee :)
Jan 10, 2014 03:44
user image
Jan 9, 2014 17:07
okay, I need to actually head into work. I'm late for lunch!
Jan 8, 2014 02:57
@PatoSáinz hey, mods are supposed to be lazy. It's the Stack Exchange way.
Jan 6, 2014 17:50
FU BS . . . wait, is the weather station reporting smoke and snow, or is it making a commentary on the state of the government? :)
Jan 5, 2014 04:01
I'm glad I stumbled across this Aviation site a few days ago. I've been lurking on various SE sites for a while but now I finally had a reason to make an account.
Jan 4, 2014 03:25
I remember when this chat room was about aviation, oh so long ago.
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